Page 2 of The Piece You Stole
I hadn’t heard him strip out of his white tailored shirt and black dress slacks, his usual uniform, but with Nathan busy ripping my clothes off my body, I was hardly paying attention.
He must be done with business. Or maybe his wolf has been riding him hard since he looked at the floor beside his bed, saw the empty chains, and decided it was time to go after his runaway mate.
But he didn’t let me go. It was a game, and it sounds like Nathan won first prize.
I stare at white marble an inch from my face. “I..h..h..hate y…you.”
He laughs. “You once told me you loved me in here. Don’t you remember?”
I squeeze my eyes tightly shut and try to forget.
“There’s never been anyone like you before, Rylan.” His words mock me. “Will you love me forever, Rylan?”
How could I have been so naïve? Sodesperate?
When Rylan’s hands tighten, I know what’s coming, so I struggle in a way I haven’t for the longest time. Now that I’ve tasted freedom and tenderness, I can’t willingly step back into hell. Something inside won’t let me.
Rylan presses his lips close to my ear. “You remember what happens when you fight me, Saige? Don’t you?”
His whispered words cut through my need to fight, the way they always have. Because there are far worse things than letting Rylan take what he wants.
Reasons that meant I didn’t hesitate to drag a steak knife across my left wrist or drive Felix’s car off a bridge.
Reasons that mean I stop struggling, retreat to the quiet place in my mind where nothing can touch me and hold still.
I feel his cold smile stretch along my neck. “Nathan?”
“Alpha.” Nathan’s response comes as Rylan is still saying his name. As Rylan’s perfect hunter, I’d expect nothing less than perfect obedience.
“Leave,” Rylan barks.
I don’t hear Nathan’s steps, but as the soft snick of the bathroom door announces his departure, I curse myself some more.
Why did you run, Saige? Why did you do something as stupid as that? Better Dariel the wolf ripped you apart than this.
“Now,” Rylan whispers in my ear. “Let’s see what we can do about removing the last of the stink, shall we?”
Sweet, metallic blood drips into my eye as I weave around the broken chairs and tables that litter the Cerberus’ destroyed dance floor.
We’re just two white wolves circling each other.
A growl, low and visceral rumbles from Dariel’s throat.
My muscles tense in response.
He attacks. Ijustscramble back in time. But it was close. Too fucking close.
I turn, always keeping him in sight.
He lunges without warning, mouth gaping open, white teeth glinting.
I twist my leaner body out of the way. I dodge his teeth, but I’m not fast enough to evade the claws he slashes out lightning quick. Fire rakes up my side, a splash of blood painting my white fur red and pink.