Page 126 of Piece You Saved
Mate.That’s what she doesn’t want this cop to know.
She does a good job of pretending to drink from it before she lowers the white mug to the table and continues. “He always said that I belonged to him. That I was his. Whatever I was to him, he didn’t have any problem chaining me to his wall when I tried to run.”
“He lied.” The words fall from my lips at the same time they come from Kade’s.
He turns to glare at me.
I lift my hands, palm side to him, and give him an innocent smile. “Great minds.”
His glare deepens.
Aden snorts his amusement and shakes his head.
“I work with two cops at the station.” Detective Morgan keeps his eyes glued to Saige’s face. When her lips flatten, it’s clear she knows exactly the ones he means. “They got it into their heads that you were responsible for Simon Trevor’s murder. Or you knew something about Rylan which could put him away for a long time, which is why he hired a fancy attorney to get you out of jail.”
I blink at him in surprise. I’d been at home, getting dressed for work, when a news report flashed up about Saige’s arrest for Simon’s murder. There’d been no doubt in my mind she was innocent. I knew what had killed Simon, and it hadn’t been a young woman. It hadn’t been a person at all.
The next hour had been a blur. I’d thrown on clothes, called the hospital on the way to the station to let them know I was running late, and rushed to the precinct. No one could or would help me, and this cop, this Detective Morgan, had not been one of the many faces in that room.
More and more, it looks like we’ve all been weaving in and out of Saige’s lives but never crossing until now.
“What I know about Rylan would never get him arrested,” she says quietly. “For that to happen, people would have to believe the impossible.”
Not the impossible. They’d have to believe in the existence of shifters. Werewolves, they’d call us. The stuff of myth and legend.
Detective Morgan leans across the table, interest sparkling in the depth of his brown gaze. “Like?”
Saige’s eyes slide away from his as she leans away from him.
“You keep tempting fate,” Kade says casually. “I’d stop that if you want to live through today.”
Detective Morgan takes one look at Kade’s smile and sits back. “I apologize for startling you, Miss Leo.”
She shrugs. “It’s okay.”
Kade’s long stare says it’s anything but okay.
“Whatever it is,” Dariel intervenes, his voice like gravel, “isn’t important. No one is arresting him. Tonight, he dies.”
A frown creases Detective Morgan’s brow. “But—”
Kade whistles. “Years of going after him and you don’t even have a speeding ticket to show for it.”
Detective Morgan’s lips tighten as he sits up taller in his seat. “If I had evidence, then—”
“He’d wheel out a fancy attorney, make use of his millions, and disappear on a private plane to a distant island you’ve never heard of.” Kade flutters his fingers in Detective Morgan’s direction. “Bye-bye, justice for Marie. Forever.”
I see the rage simmering beneath Kade’s feigned amusement, and I’d bet he wants Rylan dead more than almost anyone in this room. After what Rylan did to Simon and what he’s done to Saige, I want him dead more.
Aden bows his head over the map he spread out on the center of the table. “I keep looking at this bridge, and I don’t see where we can get to Rylan.”
“We need to get to him before that bridge,” Dariel says, flicking his gaze over it.
“It would be nice if we knew where he was coming from,” I agree.
“No one can find him.” Detective Morgan frowns. “After someone set fire to the piece of land he owns, no one has seen him.”
“Well, there’s nowhere else we can—”