Page 70 of Piece You Saved
Olivia had noticed how little I trusted men, but I hadn’t known he had too. “Then why didn’t you leave?” I ask him, relieved we’ve moved on from talking about Kade. “If you knew how uncomfortable it was making me.”
His eyes return from their journey around the kitchen and refocus on me. “I wanted you to know that you had nothing to fear from me.”
His honesty surprises me.
Which means it’s a cover for something else. Or because hewantssomething from me.
Most men seem to want only one thing from me, so it isn’t hard to work out what that something would be. I dart a rapid glance at the monitor he’s distracting me from.
“Because you want to fuck me?”
He doesn’t even blink. “You’re beautiful. But I want more than that from you.”
I stare at him, incredulous. “The lovely Olivia is beautiful, and I doubt she comes with the baggage I do. And I come with baggage liable to rip your throat out.”
Thewayhedid to Leo.
He leans a couple of inches toward me. The distance isn’t enough to have me reaching for my gun. Until I remember he’s a shifter—how could I have forgotten that?—and he could snap my neck or hurt me in so many other ways before I could get a finger on the gun.
Why did I put it down again?
I reach for it as subtly as I can.
“But she’s not you.” His expression doesn’t change as those strong, tanned surgeon’s fingers beat me to the gun and nudge it toward me.
I hesitate before closing my hand around the cold, black metal, drawing it closer to my side of the table. I’m not sure why he would do that when we’re the only people in this room. If I was reaching for a weapon, it would be because I’d intended to use it on him.
“And I am?”
“Someone worth getting to know, Jane.”
I doubt that.
“As friends?” Unlikely. Not with the way he calls me Jane, and not with the interest stirring in his eyes.
“I think we both know the answer to that,” he says slowly.
I drag the gun into my lap.
His lip twitches.
“I’m already with Kade,” I tell him. “And Aden. We’re not friends. We’re lovers.”
I say it to shock him. Or drive him away. Or… something. Not sure what just yet.
His casual nod surprises me. “Not the big one?”
Dariel? I’d say there was nothing between us, but I nearly let him kiss me when I’m not even close to forgiving him, so there must be. I think of my reaction to the body outside. I’d thought it was Dariel, and my brain had stopped working. Completely.
“Yes.” I lie when I know it isn’t as much of a lie as I’d like it to be. Thereissomething between us, even if I wish there wasn’t. “I’m with all of them.”
I wait for him to nod, smile politely, and get up and go back to the hospital. The handsome surgeon can be with the beautiful Olivia with the long blonde hair, sunny smile, and pink scrubs that make her complexion look as perfect as her skin. A perfect pair.
Harley sits back deeper in his seat as his eyes half-shutter, and a smile plays on one corner of his lips. Suddenly, I feel like the only girl in the world as my breath turns heavy at all that focused attention.
“I’ve never been the possessive kind. Sharing sounds…” His eyes pour over me.Slowly. “Like it might be fun.”
A flush burns across my cheeks. I forget about the gun in my hand and the monitor I should be checking. “What the hell kind of doctor are you?Seriously?”