Page 75 of Piece You Saved
I take in the haunted look in her eyes. “But he didn’t just kill him, did he?”
She slowly shakes her head.
Harley clears his throat, drawing my focus. “I assume he was going for shock value.”
I squeeze her hand again. “Are you okay?”
She gives me a wry smile. “Strangely enough, it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever seen. Hell, it’s not even in the top three.”
She bends her head to the laptop as if something caught her attention.
I glance up at Harley.
He’s eyeing Saige with the same level of concern I just was.
Yeah, this guy is going to be sticking around.
I scrutinize him. He’s suddenly decided that he wants to be a part of her life. I’m not sure how I feel about him, but he cares about her. He wouldn’t be here, and he wouldn’t be looking at her like that if he didn’t. Whether I want him to stick around after we deal with Rylan is something I’m not surewhatI feel yet. Soon, I’m going to have to figure my feelings out. So is Dariel, because Kade knows exactly what he feels and he’ll soon do something about it.
“What’s the top three?” I ask, already suspecting she won’t answer.
The back door slams open. Saige scrambles for the gun as Kade yells, “Don’t shoot! It’s me.”
He’s naked and looks exhausted as he takes a step into the kitchen. He immediately trains a dark glare at Harley.
“Is Dariel okay?” Saige asks, rising to her feet but leaving the gun on the table.
My wolf rumbles in my head, and I grip onto her a little tighter, halting her.
After giving me a quick glance, she sits back down again, scooting her chair closer to mine.
“Did you find him?” she asks.
Kade’s eyes narrow, but they don’t move from Harley. “Something like that. Don’t you have someplace you need to be, doc?”
I glance at Saige. She’s back to staring at the laptop. And I understand why she was trying so hard to pretend Harley doesn’t exist: she likes him, he likes her, and she knows Kade wants him dead.
“Kade,” I say, at the same time something vibrates.
Harley sits up a little straighter, unclips a pager from the waistband of his scrubs, and glances at it, already rising. “They need me at the hospital. I can stop by later.”
“No need,” Kade speaks before I can.
Smiling faintly, Harley turns to me. “Booping her nose works best.”
I cock my head, confused. “What?”
“When she’s blaming herself for Simon’s death, booping her nose distracts her enough to interrupt her thoughts. I’ll see you later, Jane,” he calls, flashing her a smile. She misses it, since her attention is fixed on Kade’s laptop.
His smile widens before I lose sight of it as he turns to the doorway, where Kade is blocking it.
Kade doesn’t move.
“I have someone waiting on me for open heart surgery, so right now, my time is not my own,” Harley says with more casualness than I’d expected with the death glare Kade is aiming at him.
After another long moment, Kade steps aside. “Don’t be in a hurry to rush back. In fact, I insist you don’t.”
Harley merely nods as he walks away, closing the front door behind him.