Page 21 of Partners In Evil
He leans in closer. “I want to go out with you. Tonight.”
Some part of me still thinks it’s a bad idea. I’m a paralegal and he’s the boss. There’s no way it can really work out. It’ll just be a temporary fling he’ll forget, and I’ll be the one who gets hurt.
But right now, that doesn’t bother me. I don’t mind if it’s temporary, as long as it happens and it’s real. I want to make mistakes. I want to do big, bold things.
And maybe, just maybe, there’s also a part of me that believes. A part that thinks maybe he really is into me. And maybe I could be the kind of girl who goes out with guys like him.
“Tonight?” I repeat.
“That’s right,” he says. “I know the perfect place.”
It’s just one date, I decide. Even if I’m right about everything, surely I can still go on just one date.
“Okay,” I tell him. “We can meet outside the office, after work.”
“Perfect,” he says, and his hand slides down my neck and lands on my shoulder. “I just want to prove to you that you don’t have to worry about any of this. That all of it is okay.”
“That sounds like a good evening,” I say.
“Good.” He lets his arm fall back to his side and walks over to his desk again. “And maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll finally earn that kiss.”
I don’t tell him that I’m ready to kiss him right here and now. Part of me thinks he already knows.
Iadjust the gym bag over my shoulder and smile to myself. This day is going to be packed with the most exciting activities I can think of. A small town girl like Emma needs adventure in her life, and I fully intend on giving it to her.
First up, rock climbing. My gym had a special running this week that was too good to ignore. And when I mentioned I enjoy doing it, Emma’s face almost literally lit up with interest. I finish changing and meet my daring date in the lobby. She looks so cute in her tiny gym shorts and bright green tank top. Her hair is pulled back in a loose ponytail and all I can think is how soft it would feel to run my fingers through it.
Not right now, I chide myself.
“Ready?” I ask. Emma beams up at me and nods quickly.
“Yep! I’m going to try and beat my best time. I haven’t tried this gym’s rock wall before, but I bet it’s similar to the one I know.”
I pause. “Oh. You’ve done this before?” I try not to sound too taken aback, but I really had assumed this was something new for her.
“All the time back home. Not much to do for fun, so I found it myself by climbing rocks and trees. Oh! And lots of hiking.”
My temporary disappointment soothes over into excitement. She’s athletic, and proud of it. And it sounds like she may have a bit of a competitive streak to her. Which, if true, would open a perfect opportunity to impress her.
“Well, why don’t we both try to break your record?” I ask after we’re both adjusted in our climbing harnesses.
Emma laughs with confidence and it makes my heart race. “You can certainly try,” she teases sweetly.
That’s enough motivation for me. We attack the wall at the same time, charging for the best foot holds. Together we begin our scramble to the top. I have an early lead, but Emma is quick. She’s matching my position in no time as she hops like a lizard from rock to rock.
“Hey, if you keep your hips over your feet, it helps you maintain control over your core,” Emma says in a singsong voice.
I laugh. I have my own technique, and it works just fine for me. “You rely a lot on your feet,” I observe. “Upper arm strength is the real key.”
Emma smirks back as she passes me. “Where’d you read that? Some men’s magazine?”
With one pull upwards I’m matching her again, but she quickly scrambles up and away. I can’t help but marvel at her strength. The muscles in her thighs strain against her soft skin, and my mind spends a moment very far away from here. Which only helps to give Emma a bigger lead.
“How many kittens have you rescued from trees?” I ask. It’s the only explanation for how she’s so efficient at this.