Page 32 of Partners In Evil
“Just in case we find a puddle someplace,” he explains. “I wouldn’t want you to get your shoes wet without also getting my coat wet in the process.”
“Well, sure,” I agree. “I mean, what’s even the point of water if not for women to stand next to it and convince men to destroy their garments?”
“That’s Raven for you,” he laughs. “Keeping those siren instincts alive.”
A few minutes later, we’re together at a barcade a few streets away. About forty minutes after that, Finn’s talking with the owner after breaking the table in a particularly heroic attempt to stop me from getting a corner shot. When we get back to the office, it all seems a lot less scary.
“Hey, asshole.”
I jump in shock at the sudden intrusion to my quiet walk. “What the—?”
Raven is standing next to me and I have no idea how. I didn’t see her or hear any footsteps. Working in this business, with our usual clients, you have to stay aware of your surroundings. Retribution for a job well done could be waiting around every corner.
So how did she sneak up on me like that!
“What the hell, Raven, were you hiding behind a lamp post?”
She smirks up at me, hands clasped daintily behind her back. “I dropped down from the heavens,” she says sweetly.
“Funny. You normally come from the other side.”
Raven rolls her eyes. “Yes, so funny. Your scorned woman has risen from hell to rain fire down upon your slimy head.”
“Now there’s the Raven I know,” I mutter as I attempt to walk away. But Raven darts her hands out and clasps them around my arm, dragging me back to her.
“Where do you think you’re going? You have a lot to answer for.”
I shake my head and look down into her angry, violet eyes. “I have work to do. Work that does not, and should not, concern you.”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” she says as she slides up to my side, pressing my arm between her breasts. “I’m very disappointed in you, Finn. Running around with that pathetic little hick of a woman. Are you trying to make me jealous? What exactly do you have to gain from my ire?”
“Believe it or not, most of what I do has nothing to do with you, Raven. And Emma and I are just friends.” Much to my dismay. I understand her need for professionalism, and emotional distance. She needs to protect herself. I just wish it wasn’t me she needed protecting from.
“Just friends? Please. My cousin was at the Shockwave Club the other night. She told me all about what you and your friend were up to. You’re two-timing me, Finn, and I don’t take well to men who cross me.”
“So don’t take me at all!” I snap, wrenching my arm from her grip.
“Have you forgotten my offer so quickly? You really are stupid.” Raven nonchalantly runs her fingers through her hair. “You need money. I have it. I gave you a very clear and simple map to get to it. So why do you insist on continuing to run around in circles chasing some pathetic piece of tail instead?”
That’s it. Raven can be a jerk and a creep to me all she wants, I don’t care. But insulting Emma is crossing a line. I grab her by the wrist and pull her attention back to me.
“You will refrain from disrespecting Emma,” I demand.
Raven simply smirks at me, looking very pleased with herself indeed. “Oh, Finn, honey, I’m the one who tells people what to do.” She pokes me on the nose with her free hand and giggles. “So now, I’m going to tell you what to do. And you’re going to obey.”
I recognize that tone she’s taking, and I don’t like it. “Your magic has no control over me,” I remind her.
“Oh, I don’t need magic to keep you in line. I have something much more powerful: cold hard cash. Your firm is failing, Finn, even you aren’t dumb enough to miss that fact. You’re bleeding clients, and your cash flow is dwindling. If you want to keep your current standard of living, then you’re going to need me. And not just for my money, honey. I have a way with words. I can help you build your business back, better than ever. Withloyalclients this time.”
I cross my arms and glare down at her. I’m livid, because she’s right. Raven is offering me an easy way out of this mess. She could easily convince clients to come crawling to us in droves, if she so desired.
“Of course, if you continue to piss me off like this, I could just as easily make those cash-stuffed clients run into the arms of someone else. You understand, Finn? I could ruin you.” Raven puts her hands on her hips and smirks.
I have nothing left to say to her, so I turn and continue my walk back to my office.