Page 59 of Partners In Evil
“Thank you for coming here with me,” he says, hugging me close. “Are you hungry?”
“Want to eat on the deck?” he asks, and I nod.
“That sounds perfect.”
And, not surprisingly – because this cabin is, without a doubt, the most perfect place I’ve ever been – dinner is wonderful. Finn grills up fish and vegetables, and we eat at the round, rough-hewn table that overlooks the forest.
“This is delicious,” I say after my first bite. “I didn’t know you could cook.”
“I can grill,” Finn corrects me. “If I try anything more ambitious, I usually end up setting the kitchen on fire.”
I laugh. “How many times have you done that?”
“Let’s put it this way,” Finn says. “I tip all of my local firefighters very, very well during the holidays.” He grins sheepishly, and then asks, “Do you know how to cook?”
“A little. I took a cooking class the summer I studied for the bar.”
“Why, because you weren’t busy enough?” he asks teasingly.
“It was actually a great stress release,” I say. “No matter how overwhelmed or frustrated I was, I knew that I’d have an excuse to chop something up or beat it with a meat mallet, and at the end I’d have this tangible proof that I’d accomplished something.”
“When you put it that way, you make me want to learn how to cook, too,” Finn says.
“I’m sure there are a ton of cooking classes you could take.”
“Or you could be my private tutor,” he suggests with a grin.
“I think we could work something out,” I reply, unable to hide my own grin.
Finn sets his fork down and reaches across the table to take my hand. “Emma, I love you.”
I drop my fork in shock. “You what?”
“I’m sorry if this is too soon for you, and I’m not trying to put any pressure on you,” Finn says quickly. “But I couldn’t not say that to you any longer, Emma.”
“How long … How long have you wanted to say it?”
“Honestly? I think I began to fall in love with you the moment I saw you.”
“Me, too,” I admit quietly, looking straight into his eyes. “I love you, too, Finn.”
“Oh, wow,” he breathes out. “I am so glad to hear you say that, you have no idea!” He lets out a shaky laugh. “I’ve never put myself out on a limb like this before, Emma. I didn’t think it would be so nerve-wracking.”
I smile. “And here I thought you never got rattled.”
“What can I say? You bring out this side of me.”
“I’m honored,” I say. “Seriously, Finn. I know how difficult it is to be vulnerable around someone. That I’m that person for you means a lot.”
“I’d like to be that – well, not person, I guess – but I’d like to be that for you, too, Emma.”
“You are,” I tell him.
I take another bite of my food, but Finn just looks at me. “What?” I ask, swallowing. “Do I have something in my teeth?”
“You’re so lovely,” he says, and stands up. “I’ll be right back.”