Page 131 of Truly Forever
I love the way his hand tightens, enveloping mine.
City lights dim and disappear as he makes the turn off the main highway south of town, leaving only the soft glow of the dash reflecting off his face. His neat hair, his strong jaw.
“You and Gonzalez’s wife were gone a long time.”
Curiosity or insecurity? No one likes to think of being talked about behind their back. “Annalise is a talker.”
He snorts. “Then she and Gonzalez deserve each other. He’s always up to something.” His hands work the wheel. “What did you two talk about?”
Yes, definitely a touch of insecurity. “The honeymoon, for one.”
His nose wrinkles.
I feel my face warm. “Well, the trip. All the countries they visited. I didn’t realize Tripp was her brother.”
“Sure enough. He and Gonzalez have been buddies for years, but I don’t think Marco was who he had in mind for his little sister.”
I figure I can make my own guesses as to why and come close enough.
"Everything’s good with them now, as far as I can tell.” His head slants. “Strange him not coming tonight, though.”
“Do you know why he didn’t?”
“Not really, except that something’s definitely up with him lately. I started noticing about a week ago.”
“Have you asked?”
At high noon on the wheel, his palm flips up. “Not my business.”
Hmm. “How long have you known him?”
Tap-tap. “About ten years.”
“And you two still work together?”
“And you’re friends?”
His mouth opens. Closes. “I guess you could say that.”
“Um, you know, John, checking in when a friend is having trouble is within the range of normal conversation.”Listen to me…
He grunts. “Maybe for you women.”
“I think it goes for men, too, especially with the years you two have behind you.”
More drumming of his free hand on the wheel. “Maybe I’ll see if he has anything to say on Monday.”
Sounds like a start. John shouldn’t close himself off as he does.
“Will Jacob be home when we get there?”
The topic shift makes me glance over, my stomach suddenly fluttering. He should already know the answer because he was lurking in the kitchen when plans were discussed. “He should be.”
He nods thoughtfully—and how I wish I knew about what. Only knowing Jacob will be there calms my senses. There’s an enhanced energy zinging around us tonight.
At the head of his street, John pulls onto the shoulder and places the car in park. My heart thumps. “What are you doing?”