Page 48 of Truly Forever
The truant in question swings around the corner from the kitchen. “Mom. What are you doing here?”
Is he joking?
Suddenly, all eyes are on me. Sorry, but I have low tolerance for crap, so the disgusted grunt that just hijacked Hollie’s response forged its own way past my lips. I fold my arms tight and zero in on the twerp. “What do you think your mom’s doing here, kid?”
Jacob puffs up, wrapping his arm around his girlfriend’s waist and pulling her close. “Don’t call mekid.”
“Whatever,Jacob.If I say your name instead, does it make you feel like less of a—” Chopping off a word, I shoot a glance to Hollie. I won’t apologize, though. Interestingly, she doesn’t reprimand me, instead launching her own attack, madder than I’ve seen.
“What areyoudoing here, Jacob William? You have court in less than an hour!”
The boy’s chin juts. “And I was going to pick you up like we planned and be there on the dot.”
“You’re supposed to be in school.”
His hold on his girlfriend’s waist tightens. “Reagan isn’t feeling well.”
Hollie’s stare has her son pinned, and she doesn’t let up. “I’m sorry to hear that, but you can’t be here. You have to be in school. You have more important things to worry about!”
His chin flies up. “Reagan is important.”
Hollie barely spares the girl a glance, continuing on a diatribe about truancy and staying out of trouble and looking good for the court. Me, my eyes are on the girlfriend, trying to place where I’ve seen that particular shade of green before. The young lady truly does not look well.
But my loyalties are settled. “Your mom’s right, k—Jacob. You’re in a heap of trouble, and you’ve got to pull your head out long enough to not make matters worse. Judges look at things like school attendance for kids in your situation.”
“But Reagan needs me.”
The pretty blonde presses into her man’s side in a move more akin to needing support as giving affection. Third morning in a week? Something’s not right.
A phone rings, and Hollie retreats from her tirade long enough to check caller ID. “It’s Ben.” She jams the green circle on the screen and stalks into a formal dining room.
The lovebirds and I make an awkward trio—but being the interloper doesn’t stop me from sliding into boss mode. “What’s really going on, guys?”
Lip pulled between her teeth, Reagan stares up at her boyfriend. Jacob’s chin levitates.
I’m good at reading people. Situations. Piecing together clues.
Ridiculously good. After all, I deal with liars for a living. “Are you pregnant, Reagan?”
Blue eyes get huge, and her hand flies to her mouth, with shock or nausea, one.
“No.” Jacob squares up.
I’m not one to let perps squirm off the hook. I level a speaking stare.Don’t feed me crap, boy.
The two hold an entire conversation without words, both wilting at the end of the exchange.
Oh, brother. I scrape my hair back. Was Hollie’s plate not full enough?
“Please don’t tell my mom. I will, but not yet.” His eyes plead for mercy.
The heel of my loafer thumps the tile. “How far along?” Not that it matters much at the moment.
Reagan’s eyes fall as she touches her stomach. “Nine weeks. I had my first doctor’s appointment last Friday.”
I plant my hands at my waist. “You have got to tell her, Jacob.”
“I will. I was waiting until after the hearing. Maybe after this whole drug mess is settled.”