Page 3 of Dark Debt
“Macy, go have a good time,” Mom says. “You so rarely get a chance to really enjoy yourself. We’ll be fine.”
I look up into my mom’s eyes as she speaks, tears pricking at the corner of my eyes. This is not about fun, and she can never know.
“Thanks. I’ll call you later.”
We hug, and then I head back to the man waiting for me. He gestures for his car, opening the door for me, and for some reason, I sit down inside.
As we fly down the country roads with impressive speed, I try to explain my situation. “Look, umm…”
“Mr. Saladino. But call me Jett.” His eyes don’t leave the road.
“Okay. Jett, I promise I didn’t forget about our…arrangement. Really. I swear it. I know it was a lot of money, and I’ll do something to get it. I promise! Here.”
I reach into my wallet and pull out the forty-three dollars inside, thrusting it at him despite the fact he’s driving.
“You can start with this. I’ll do a payment plan or something. Really, I don’t want any trouble. You can have most of my paycheck! I just need to eat, but I can give you the rest. I swear!”
I’m trembling, and sweat again dresses my brow. I know where I went to get the money, and the likely headline flashes before my eyes. “Local woman found dead. No leads. Family offering a reward for any information.”
The tears I’ve been fighting break free, and I start to beg.
“Please, please don’t hurt my family. They had nothing to do with this. I’ll get you the money. I swear to God I will. Just don’t—”
Jett jerks the car to the shoulder, and we skid to a stop. I yelp as the car lurches, and then he’s staring me right in the eyes.
“Stop, Macy.” Jett leans his wrists on the steering wheel, his fists clenching and unclenching. “I’m not going to—I’m not going to do that. Look, I know you can’t pay.”
I go to interject, but he turns to look at me, and the words die in my throat. My mouth is suddenly dry. Even as my stomach is strangely warm.
“Don’t,” he growls. “I didn’t come here to harm your family.”
I flick my tongue over my lips and his gaze drops to them, his pupils dilating. The warm feeling morphs to hot, and I shift in my seat, confused by his words. Confused by these feelings.
Jett shoves the crumpled bills in my hand. “I don’t want your money.”
“Then…” I shake my head. “Then what do you want, Jett?”
I blink, and he’s leaning over me. He’s so fast, I didn’t even see him move. I tell myself that’s why I don’t move. Don’t pull back. Although that doesn’t explain why my breathing becomes shallow. Why I have to clench my thighs as an ache builds in places that have never ached.
Why my gaze drops to his mouth as I wonder if it’s soft or firm. Warm or hot. Cool and composed like Jett seems, or savage and strong like I sense beneath the veneer.
Jett reaches out and runs his thumb over my bottom lip. “I want you, Macy. All of you.” His breathing becomes harsh, filling the car with its raspy sound.
“W-what?” I whisper, stunned.
“For one week,” he growls. “After that, we’ll be square. The loan gets marked as paid and no one comes calling.”
“You can’t be serious,” I breathe. I’m no one. Nothing. Inexperienced and shy and awkward.
He leans infinitesimally closer, his thumb dipping ever so slightly in to brush over my teeth. “I’ve never been more serious, little dove. I want you for a week.” His hand floats down, brushing over my breast. “Every inch of your flesh will be mine for seven days. Mine to pleasure as I please.”
That burn from the church sets up shop under my skin, reddening my cheeks, and my mouth hangs open slightly as I fight for more air. No one, and I meanno one,has ever said anything remotely similar to what Jett is offering. I’ve never been wanted like that. I’m just a stupid small-town girl who’s barely left the humble confines of her home. I could list the number of partners I’ve entertained on less than one hand. A big old goose egg.
“I… I think you got the wrong idea about me….” I swallow. “I’ve never—”
But I stop myself. I try to tell myself that the information isn’t helpful right now, but I can taste the bitterness of the unspoken lie. Jett’s eyes still burn into mine, the viridian color like a snake and equally dangerous. I can’t look away; a throb in my core as I imagine all the terrible things this devious man could do to me.
My heart hammers, and I have to stop myself from reaching for his hand. It’s like a magnet is pulling me toward him, the force greater than any resolve I may have had.