Page 19 of Mafia Secrets
“He has someone he needs to talk to.” Jack explains, and I watch Richard approach a wealthy couple. I have no idea who they are, but when Richard smiles and takes the lady’s hand, I turn to Jack.
“He can be sociable when he wants to,” I say. Jack and I are close in age, but we didn’t grow up together like my other cousins. They are very close, I’m given only certain privileges because of who my father is, but I’m always looked on as an outsider.
Except for Darragh. I think when he sees me, he sees his brother. Maybe that’s where the fondness comes from.
“Could I have a word?” Darragh asks. He wants me alone.
“I’ll keep an eye on Lily,” Jack says. I wouldn’t leave her with any other man, but Jack is married and very loyal to Maeve, who doesn’t seem to be here tonight.
When I look at Lily, she glances up at me. “I’ll just be a moment.” I place a kiss on her cheek, and she doesn’t flinch like I expect her to before I walk away with Darragh.
“This better be good,” I say.
IwatchDaniel,andhis resemblance to the O'Reagan's is uncanny. His uncle Darragh has taken him toward the bar. I’m left with Jack. I haven’t been around him before, and his presence leaves me unsettled, but it’s better than the other brother, Richard, who seems downright rude.
“We haven't met before,” Jack says.
I bring the flute of champagne to my lips. “I’ve only returned home recently. I was studying accountancy in England.” I take a drink, so I shut up. I have a tendency to babble when I’m nervous.
“How did you meet Daniel?” I can tell he’s making idle chit chat as he glances around the room before his gaze settles on me again.
“We have known each other for years.” I inform him.
The angry brother, Richard, makes a pathway back to us, and before he can say anything, I excuse myself saying I need to go to the bathroom. Jack gives me a nod, but I can sense their gazes on me, and when I look over my shoulder, it’s not just the brothers who are watching me but also Daniel, too. My gaze clashes with his, and I quickly look away. My stomach twists every time he looks at me. I had made such an effort to look good for the event, and he hadn’t said a thing. I tighten my fingers on the stem of my glass, feeling silly for even wanting a compliment from him. After this event, I had to put as much distance between myself and Daniel as possible. I’m tempted to take out my phone, but I refrain as I smile at people that pass by me. I don’t know anyone.
“You look lost.” I pause as a guy wearing a denim jacket smiles at me. His smile is kind, and I think that’s the reason I exhale and relax slightly. He doesn’t look dressed for the event, but he’s the only other person who’s approached me.
“I think I might be,” I say with a nervous laugh.
“I didn’t see you arrive. Which lucky guy are you with?”
His compliment makes my cheeks heat. I’m ready to say Daniel when I think better of it. “A friend.”
His green eyes twinkle, and he runs a hand through his thick blond hair. “I’m glad to hear it. I’d offer to buy you a drink, but everything here is free. So maybe a refill.”
I like his easy banter, but my glass is nearly full. “I’m fine.”
He doesn’t hold a drink himself. “Are you here with someone, also?” I ask.
He grins. “A friend,” he replies.
That makes me smile. “It seems our friends have abandoned us.”
“Your friend is very silly.” He leans in a little closer. I like that he’s talking to me, but I’m also not interested in that way.
“Mine isn’t.” He adds.
That makes me pause; what does that mean?
“Maybe we could skip this gig?” His forthcoming question has me glancing around, but Daniel is no longer at the bar. I have no idea where he is.
“No, thanks,” I answer, ready to end this conversation.
“Come one. You're alone; I’m alone. We could keep each other company.” When he leans closer, I smell the alcohol on his breath.