Page 28 of Mafia Secrets
“Why don’t you get off your lazy ass and get my lawyer.” His jaw clenches, and I want to hit him square in the face.
He gathers the fake file and leaves me with Michael.
“What the fuck?” I ask straight away, trying to remain in my seat. The camera’s are still on.
“Get me out of here now!”
Michael leans in and like a professional, remains calm. “They have Lily being interrogated in Navan. She has denied charges of kidnapping and rape. The only charge is arson, and they seem to have a witness.”
“I want to be taken to Navan now.”
Michael shakes his head. “I have one of my men there; they will keep watch over her.”
My hand slams down on the table heavily. “I want to be transferred, now.”
“I can’t just transfer you, Daniel.”
“What would it take?”
He shrugs. “I mean if you did something violent. We have no holding cells here.”
My fist connects with his face. Blood pours like a slow trickle initially down his face before it runs faster. The room fills quickly, and I cover my hand as batons are brought down on my back and arms.
I’m dragged from the chair but feel victorious when Michael shouts. “Transport him now to Navan!”
The gardai who takes me to Navan is also on our payroll, and I sit up front as he informs me of what exactly has happened.
“Mike McGuiness reported his niece missing twenty-four hours ago.”
George glances at me. “Normally, we would ignore such a report.”
I wave him off, not caring for his explanation. I know why Mike was listened to. He’s RA, and whoever took the call didn’t want repercussions on their family. I don’t like it, but I get it.
“Okay, so he accused me of kidnapping?” I ask.
“Yes. Said his niece would never go with you willingly, that she left Ireland a few years back just to get away from you.”
That fucking stings because, most likely, it’s the truth. I glance out the window, trying to hide the pain of that statement. “And the rape part?”
“She was found tied up.” I can hear the accusation in George’s voice.
I didn’t owe him fucking anything. “It was consensual.”
He focuses on the road, never commenting, and that pisses me off.
“You think I’m a rapist.” I’m already questioning what I’m doing. George is on our payroll and doesn’t mean shit to me, so why the fuck do I care so much?
“Of course not.” He answers out of fear and not out of truth.
I run my hand along my face. “I’ve also been accused of arson. Care to explain that one?”
“We got an anonymous tip that gasoline used to burn your night club to the ground was in the back of one of your vehicles. It was searched today and found. We also had a witness.”
“Who?” What a crock of shit.
“Some woman came forward; said she overheard you talking about an insurance job. She claimed you were drunk when you bragged about it.”