Page 34 of Mafia Secrets
She goes rigid.
“All of this because of Lily,” I say.
He doesn’t answer. “I get that you want to protect her. I mean, we all want to protect our kids.”
I smile when he curses.
“I mean, I could use Lily against you, Mike, and now I have Alexis also.” I tilt my head. “I don’t think it was money that made her turn against us. I think it was more.” I smile at Alexis. “Am I right? Do you love him?”
She glances away, but the answer is there in her eyes. “She will die because of you,” I say and hang up.
Alexis starts to cry, and I have no interest in listening to her, so I step out of the stall.
“Should I finish her?” Darragh asks.
“Not yet.” He will come for her. I know he will, but first, I need to know what she’s doing here.
“Sowhatwereyouplanning?” I ask Alexis. She turns her head away from me. Darragh kicks in the second stall door, and I keep my gun on Alexis while looking into the empty stall. Darragh puts his gun away and checks behind the toilet. He extracts something; it takes a bit of maneuvering to remove the device from the back of the toilet.
“A bomb?” I ask Darragh.
He holds the timer in his hands and nods. “Twenty minutes left on it.”
When I glare at Alexis, fear tightens her eyes. “What do you think we should do?” I ask Darragh.
He steps up beside me with the bomb in his hand like it’s a box of cigarettes. Even Alexis watches him nervously.
“I think we will strap this to her and send a picture to lover boy Mike. He will have twenty minutes to get here and defuse it.”
Alexis starts shaking her head viciously. “Please, he won’t come. He will let me die.”
“I’m willing to test that theory. Now get up.”
Alexis stands on wobbly legs. I keep the gun pointed at the back of her head as I take her out back into the delivery area. Beyond that are fields. I hope if the bomb goes off, we will be far enough away from the blast. Alexis is awkward climbing the fence in her red dress and high heels, but she should have thought of that before double-crossing us.
An old water trough sits in the middle of the field. Darragh joins us with duct tape and the bomb. He’s whistling as he secures the bomb to her chest and runs the duct tape through a bar in the trough. Before he covers the bomb completely, I take a picture of it and send it to Mike along with a message.
Fifteen minutes and she goes boom!
Tears stream down her face as we walk away. Her muffled screams don’t stop us. “So if the motherfucker doesn’t show, what then?”
I shrug. I’m not sure. But, he’s gunning for me.
“I heard you say that Mike is Lily’s father. Why not use her as bait?” I stop walking.
“Don’t ever mention her again.” I’m toe to toe with my uncle. He outranks me ten times over, but I won’t have anything like that said about Lily.
He grins. “Calm down. It was just a suggestion.”
I glance at the phone. Twelve minutes left. I can assume he is close by since Sorcha knew he had come to my club. He must have been in the vicinity.
I stand at the fence line with Darragh. “When does this shit stop?” I ask him.
He lights up a cigarette. “Never.”