Page 15 of Threads of Hope
Oriana laughed. “You love it.”
Reese did love his job as an app developer, something he’d fallen into later in life when apps had begun to boom. Tech companies approached him with new ideas for apps or apps that supported their already-flourishing companies, grateful for his sharp approach to technology. The apps he’d often coded appeared in the top ten downloaded apps on both Apple and Android, which made Oriana beam with pride.
Eventually, Reese retreated upstairs to work in his office, which left Oriana alone in the kitchen, shivering with fear. Before she could convince herself otherwise, she pulled up the profile of one of the top-rated private detectives in the area: a man named Baxter Drury. But after extensive reading on his website, Oriana sensed something off about this guy— and eventually learned that he almost exclusively worked for big companies, tracking down people who’d wronged those companies. It was all based on profits.
Oriana’s story was far more complicated than that.
After another hour of research, during which Alexa and Benny hurried in and out of the kitchen to fetch drinks and snacks between play sessions upstairs, Oriana read about a private detective who’d been hired to come to Martha’s Vineyard last spring. Originally from California, Rita had come to the island to look for Mandy Dolores, a young woman who’d gone missing mid-spring. Through extensive research and the assistance of Steven and Isabella Montgomery, Rita had been instrumental in cracking the case and getting Mandy Dolores home safe.
A Martha’s Vineyard resident to her core, Oriana had known Steve Montgomery her entire life. It was nothing to call up his auto shop and see if he could connect her personally with Rita.
Steve answered the phone at the auto shop after the second ring. “Afternoon,” he said. “How can I help you?”
Was it already afternoon?Oriana glanced at the clock to find that it was nearly one o’clock. Her panic had destroyed her ability to perceive the passage of time.
“Afternoon, Steve!” Oriana’s voice was overly bright. “It’s Oriana Coleman.”
“Hello, Oriana. I haven’t seen you around lately. I guess it must be about time for a car check-up. How’s that beauty of yours?”
Oriana realized Steve was right, that she hadn’t taken her car in for quite some time. This was yet another thing to add to her very-long to-do list.
“I’m calling about something else,” Oriana said. “It’s slightly discrete.”
“Whatever it is, you know I can keep a secret.”
Oriana smiled to herself, remembering how, a long time ago, she'd had a minor crush on Steve before she’d decided to go steady with Reese. They’d been children back then.
“I need to hire a private detective,” Oriana went on. “And I’ve just read something about you knowing one?”
Steve’s voice brightened. “Rita. Yep. She’s back on the Vineyard right now, actually.”
“Oh? Working a case?”
“Just to visit,” Steve said sheepishly, suggesting Rita was there to visit Steve and no one else. Because Steve had lost his lovely wife, Laura, just about a year ago, it brightened Oriana to know that Steve was opening himself up to new experiences. She wasn’t sure she would have had the same strength regarding Reese.
Oh, but she didn’t want to think about that.
“I wonder if I could meet with her?” Oriana asked. “I need to ask her a few questions. Again, I need this to be kept under wraps, Steve.”
“Absolutely,” Steve assured her. “I’ll give her your contact information.”
“Thank you so much,” Oriana said, breathing a sigh of relief. She wasn’t sure why, but involving a Montgomery family member calmed her considerably.
Because Rita was on a Vineyard vacation, she told Oriana she could meet at any time. Because Oriana wanted the utmost secrecy, she suggested they meet at a secluded beach on the other side of the island, where whoever was sending her these strange notes couldn’t overhear them. Rita didn’t seem surprised at the request. Oriana imagined she’d received much stranger ones over the years.
Oriana drove to the beach the following morning, explaining to Reese that she needed to run errands. She parked and gripped the steering wheel with white fingers, trying to tell herself everything would be all right. She would find a way through this, just as she had everything else.
A black car pulled up beside her a few minutes later. In the front seat was a tiny woman with a black bob. Jittery, Oriana leaped from her car and entered Rita’s, sitting in the passenger seat and cupping her elbows. Rita’s smile was assuring, and she had a beautiful tan, probably from hours out on the sailboat with Steve.
“Hi,” Rita said. “My name is Rita. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“You, too.” Oriana hated how nervous she sounded. “I’m Oriana, obviously. And, gosh. I’m just so glad to meet you.”
Rita frowned, sensing the gravity of the situation. “What happened, Oriana? Whatever it is, I’ll do the best I can to figure this out for you.”
Oriana closed her eyes, her head spinning. “I need you to find my old best friend.” After a long pause, Oriana said, “Do you want to write this down?”
But Rita shook her head. “It’s better that I just remember everything, just in case. Steve mentioned this was a very delicate matter.”