Page 79 of Taking the Heat
“What are you doing here?” Gabe asked, his eyes darting from Veronica to Naomi and back again. “You said maybe next week.”
“I missed you and I wanted to surprise you. Surprise!”
Yes, Veronica was definitely feeling sick now. This girl had missed Gabe. He’d just moved here. She was his ex from Cincinnati. Or not his ex. Veronica backed up a step. She was his girlfriend from Cincinnati.
“Oh, my God,” Naomi groaned, “You’re not even happy to see me. It’s been nine months!”
His girlfriend from somewhere else.
“I am happy to see you—I just...” His gaze focused on Veronica again, and Naomi’s eyes followed the path.
“Well, hello,” she said, looping her arm through Gabe’s and swinging him around to face Veronica. They looked like a team. A couple. “Who’s this?” she asked with a smile.
Veronica took another step back.
Gabe shook his head. “This is Veronica,” he answered. “Veronica, this is my sister Naomi. Apparently, she came to surprise me.”
Veronica had already taken another step back before she registered his words. “Your what?” she murmured, but her confusion was interrupted by the giant beautiful creature rushing forward to wrap Veronica in a hug. “Are you Gabe’s girlfriend?” she cooed.
“No! I, I...”
“Naomi, leave her alone,” Gabe said. “And tell me what the hell you’re doing here.”
“You said I could come.” She let Veronica go and shrugged at her brother, though she kept one slender arm slung around Veronica’s shoulder.
Gabe ran a hand through his wind-mussed hair, making it stick up in even stranger directions. “I assumed you would let me know in advance. You know, in case I had plans.”
Naomi stuck out her bottom lip. “Well, jeez. We can go stay at a hotel if you want.”
At the word we, Gabe looked toward the doorway. “Hello, Monique.”
Monique waved her fingers and smiled as if she showed up on people’s doorsteps every day and it had never been a problem before. It probably hadn’t. Who would turn her away? She was just as tall as Gabe’s sister and just as stunning. Her brown skin glowed with perfect health. Her black hair stood out in wild twists, and while a style like that would’ve made Veronica look like a madwoman, it somehow lent Monique’s face a delicate perfection.
And Gabe knew her name.
Veronica stopped herself from backing all the way to the sidewalk so she could bolt toward home, but it was a close call. She was dressed in sweaty hiking clothes, and her face felt greasy with sunscreen. She couldn’t imagine what her hair looked like, since she’d had to clip it back with three barrettes to keep it out of her face for the climb. She felt ugly, dirty and about four feet tall next to these elegant women. The perfect height to look up Monique’s very short white dress.
“Maybe we should—” Gabe started, but he stopped speaking when Naomi swept Veronica closer and directed her into Gabe’s apartment.
“How did you get into my place?” he sputtered, as if he’d just recognized that there’d been a little breaking and entering.
“Oh, please.” Naomi waved a hand. “You always keep a spare key nearby. I found it above the patio door frame. Not very smart, little brother.”
“Believe me,” he muttered, “it won’t happen again.”
Naomi finally let Veronica go, and Veronica found herself rocking a little unsteadily without the support.
“Would you like a beer?” Gabe’s sister asked, already breezing toward the kitchen, her heels clicking against the wood floors of his apartment.
Veronica nodded, then looked questioningly at Gabe. He looked a little horrified, but not nearly as shocked as Veronica was. I’m sorry, he mouthed as Veronica felt a cold bottle pressed into her hand. She murmured a thank-you and then sucked down half of the ice-cold beer.
“How long are you staying?” he asked.
“Just a few days. I’ve got a shoot uptown next week. I’m sorry, Gabe, but I couldn’t handle Dad anymore. I had to get out of there. He brought home burgers every night and then acted hurt when I wouldn’t eat. I told him I’m showing fall collections all month and I can’t afford not to fit into the damn clothes. All he wanted to do was talk about the next MacKenzie’s location. It was like he was trying to lure me to the dark side with grease. Mom sent cookies, by the way.” She waved toward the kitchen, and the motion of her hand sent Veronica’s head spinning.
Uptown. Fall collection. Showings.