Page 103 of Rival Hero
My clit is already aching again, and my breath comes fast and shallow.
“I liked making you gag. I liked saying filthy things to you. I liked having you at my mercy and how you gave yourself to me.”
An honest-to-goodness whimper leaves me.
His cock hardens, twitching and pulsating against me in the most seductive way. Unable to resist, I flex my hips and graze my core over him.
“What else did you like?”
“Ilovedit when you begged me. With your eyes, with your keening sounds, and with your sexy mouth. I want to hear you beg me over and over again. Beg me to touch you. Beg me to fuck you. Beg me to let you come.”
“Right now?” I breathe the words, a slight rumble deep in my throat resembling a…
“Yes, tiger. Purr for me.”
Oh,that’swhat that sound was. I’m fucking purring for this man.
This sweet, filthy, sexy, confusing man.
No wonder he’s calling me tiger. But he can call me Joe Buck for all I fucking care, as long as he lets me touch his perfect cock again.
He rakes his lips over the fevered skin of my neck, biting gently at the curve where my neck meets my shoulder. The pain mingles with pleasure like a heady cocktail, and I bear down on his nowfullyhard cock.
Craving his praise, I let that deep purr he requested rise to the surface. He must approve, because he tightens his grip on my hips and yanks me roughly over the thick ridge of his dick.
Oh, I want that inside me so flipping badly.
He drifts his lips along the curve of my neck to my jaw. “So sexy, tiger.”
“Will you fuck me, Cal? Please? I want you inside me.” I lower my volume and rest my mouth under his ear. “Please. Fuck me with that thick cock. Rip me open and fill me like only you can.”
Done teasing my neck, he meets my gaze with one of his brows raised in a challenge. “Have you let anyone else inside you since me?”
How could I? He ruined me for all other men.
But I’m not mature enough to resist goading. Just a tad. The last time I ticked him off, it ended very well for the both of us. And I learn from my past actions. Gold star student at the school of hard knocks.
My cheek twitches as I stave off a grin. “That’s none of your business.”
His eyes darkening, he grabs another fistful of my red locks at my nape.
Fuck, he likes pulling my hair.
Why on earth iseverythinghe does so damn hot? I bet he could spit on me, and I’d roll over, opening both my legs and mouth while begging him like Oliver motherfucking Twist.Please, sir, I want some more.
His stern voice yanks me from my mental gymnastics. “Answer me. Be honest. Did you let anyone else inside that tight pussy?”
He practically seethes the words.
“Would you be jealous if I did?” I taunt.
With a brusque shake of his head, the column of his throat works down a rough swallow, capturing my attention. The bob of his Adam’s apple accentuates the cords in his neck.
I think I shed a tear down my leg. Am I panting? Drooling down my chin?
This jealousy thingisn’tan act. He absolutely abhors the idea of someone else having me. Knowing that makes my nipples painfully hard. I’m afraid they might chip clean off my boobs if there’s a stiff breeze.
With a barely contained fury, he confesses, “The thought of another man having your body fills me with an irrational rage. If anyone touches you besides me, I’m not sure I can control myself. And I’m not sure I’d want to.”