Page 108 of Rival Hero
Bottling the irrational jealousy at how close they’re sitting, I drive us to Redleg.
Mia’s laptop screen illuminates her face, and I can’t stop myself from sneaking glimpses of her in the rearview. She’s like a beacon of light, and I’m the damn mosquito drawn to her. Let’s just hope she’s done being a bug zapper.
Once she’s brought Tomer up to speed, it dawns on me that the secret is out about Lettie.
Which means…
“Since Tomer already knows about Lettie and the op, can we call Boss and loop him in?” I ask, sparing a quick glance in the mirror.
“No!” they shout in unison, so loudly that I involuntarily cower from the sound.
Irritation spikes, making my blood boil. I’m fed up with being left in the dark over this shit show.
“Why the hell not? And when are you going to tell me exactly who she is? I feel like I’m not really a part of this team, and I have to be honest, it’s pissing me the hell off.”
They don’t answer me, but I catch sight of them doing more of that silent back and forth bullshit.
A few seconds later, I pull onto Redleg property and throw it in park. Before I unlock the doors, I spin around to face them.
Mia gulps when I meet her eyes. She knows I’m done being left in the dark.
“Who is she?” I demand.
Tomer gives her a nod, and she passes me the laptop.
I assume the answers to all my questions will be on the screen.
But nope.
The document answers onlyonequestion.
And that question is now replaced by a shit ton more.
Mustard and Mission Prep
Tonight, we’re bringing Violet Holt home.
Less than forty-five minutes after arriving at Redleg, we’re frantically preparing for the mission. My nerve endings tingle with adrenaline that’sitchingto be unleashed. It’s been a while since I’ve had a front-row seat to a rescue op.
Once we ran the images of her abductors through the newly improved program, we got three hits that led us to locations where we believe the men are tonight.
Tomer immediately began formulating the extraction plan, and Klein called the guys in to prep for the op.
Shep was the first to arrive, with Kri and their foster daughter, Valerie Franco, at his side. Apparently, Shep isn’t inclined to leave them alone at night, which is smart. Lenkov remains free and could come after Val or Kri out of revenge. Until Kri is at full strength, it’s safer this way. Plus, Shep will be less distracted if he knows they’re safe with me at Redleg Headquarters.
The team members chosen for the op— Shep, Jonesy, Junior, Aaron, and, of course, Klein— are gathering here at HQ. The moment the last three guys arrive, it’ll be mission go.
“I’m gonna kill Yuri,” Shep seethes from over my shoulder as he paces around the lair. “Oh,I’ll make it brutal too. That dirty fucking Russian. No-good, potato water drinking, yellow-belly, backstabbing, traitorous weasel.”
Ever since I showed Shep the photos of our kidnappers, the litany of filth flying out of his mouth has been quite impressive. He’s a varietal smörgåsbord of profanity.
“Il babbo, you need to chill before you give yourself a heart attack. I don’t see an AED around here,” Valerie teases him without shifting her focus from her phone screen.
Funny kid.