Page 119 of Rival Hero
Val moved into our office to be closer to the action. She sits comfortably in the corner with her headphones on and an iPad in her lap.
“Tomer, you feel like telling me why Lettie has you this keyed up?”
“Nope,” he bites out without taking his hand off the mouse.
Didn’t think he’d be forthcoming, but IhopedI could feed my need for information by being upfront for a change.
I tried to do the right thing. And what did it get me?
Big fat nothing.
The failure makes me consider reverting to the old Mia and planting a bug on him. Not like a roach. The other kind of bug. The CIA type.
But I’m a good girl now. I’m earning Klein, a man I’m hopelessly drawn to beyond all semblance of logic.
A man who has the taste of my arousal on his tongue as he rides shotgun in a Redleg SUV down Interstate 275.
Thanks to that thought, I press my thighs together hard enough to crack a walnut. Or a watermelon.
A quick aside… did you see the viral video of that bodybuilder who was busting open watermelons with his thighs? Of course, he did it shirtless while making fuck-me eyes at the camera and talking dirty to the melon.
That’s it, baby. Open for me.
I can feel you quivering for Daddy.
I’m going to crack you open and feel your wetness all over me.
Don’t you want to open up for me, sweet girl?
And my personal favorite…
Shatter for me. I want to feel you explode.
I wonder if Cal can bust a watermelon. While I don’t know if he has the quads for it, he has the ass for it. The tricky part would be finding a watermelon narrow enough to slide between those cheeks.
The sound of Val’s laughter in the corner shakes me from my rambling, horny thoughts.
“Whatcha watching?” I ask her.
“22 Jump Street.” She punctuates her answer with an adorable giggle.
I love that friggin’ movie. “What part are you at?”
She taps the iPad to pause it and removes her headphones. “Captain just found out that Schmidt slept with his daughter.”
“Are they still at the school banquet or the Jump Street office?” Tomer asks, surprising both of us.
The bland man continues to surprise me.
Val answers, “They’re at the school thing, and Ice Cube is going beast mode at the buffet line.” She sucks in a breath, her cheeks and mouth quivering with restrained hysterics. “He’s knocking over the trays.” Laughing harder, she struggles to choke out the rest. “He just threw the turkey on the floor.”
The urge to spew quotes from the film at her is strong, but Shep and Kri probably wouldn’t appreciate all the profanity around their foster kid. All the lines around that part of the movie burst at the seams with the F-word.
Then again, they’re letting her watch it. She’s almost sixteen.
And oh my gosh, did you see that? I thoughtF-wordinstead of fuck. That’s a hoot, considering how many times I’ve flung it at you so far.
“Best part of the movie,” I mutter as I return my focus to my screen to see if anything is happening with the teams.