Page 137 of Rival Hero
Over and over, he repeats the soothing words as she sobs against his chest.
My windpipe tightens, and my tongue feels heavy, so I shy away from the overwhelming scene.
Unfortunately, no place I look is safe from powerful emotions. From the terrified and devastated faces of the other girls to Tomer and Lettie.
She’s on his lap, curled in a similar position to Savin and Tasha.
Tomer’s eyes are closed, and his chin rests on the crown of her head. He runs one palm along her spine, and the other arm serves as a seat belt, locking her body against his.
An entire Ranger battalion couldn’t break them apart.
“You’re safe, sugar bear. It’s going to be fine,” he soothes her with feather-soft words.
Tomer issooofucked.
He doesn’t merely know who she is. Heknowsher… in the biblical sense.
Kri and I have a silent conversation. No doubt she’s equally shocked. Not only at Tomer’s reassuring, smooth voice— nothing like his typical monotone drawl— but also at the realization that he’s unquestionably in a romantic relationship with her.
Nothing about that is brotherly or friendly.
You don’t hold someone that close unless there’s intimacy there— even in this situation.
As the night progressed, my suspicions grew. But seeing it is a whole other ball of wax.
“I was so scared,” Lettie whispers, sobbing into his chest.
When he opens his eyes, tears obscure his blue-green irises.
“I got you. You’re safe now. No one will ever hurt you again. I swear to you.”
“How did you find me? Who are these people?”
Instead of answering her rambling questions, he silences her with a kiss.
I look away to avoid intruding on their private moment.
Apparently, Tomer’s kept more than just his name a secret from her. Especially since she doesn’t know he’s capable of coming in with a tactical team to stage a rescue.
Turns out, he’s not as boring as we thought. Dare I say he’s the most interesting man among us? Someone get that man a Dos Equis.
The mood is so heavy that I won’t be able to lock all this shit up until I get out of this van. Some of my peers can buckle down their emotions in these situations, and while I learned to compartmentalize, it takes me a few minutes. I need space or a distraction. Then muscle memory takes over, allowing my mind to withdraw from whatever shit I saw.
Mia’s voice helps me find my center.
Over the comms, she instructs us to drop off the rescued girls at the emergency room. We slide the two who are unconscious into wheelchairs and ask the other girls to push them in for us, thus allowing us to disappear. We don’t want to have our fingerprints on this any more than we already do.
Violet refuses to leave Tomer’s side to go to the hospital, which suits him fine. He wasn’t willing to let her go on her own, and if he were there with her, it would spell trouble for Redleg.
Tasha and Savin stay in the van too. I guess that means they’re coming to headquarters with us, along with the other trafficker, Davidov. He’s awake, but we put a gag in his mouth and a bag over his ugly mug to spare the girls. They’ve been through enough and don’t need his intimidating glares.
Mia’s steady and calm words sail through the comms. “I’ve wiped the video footage from the hospital with our vehicles making the drop at the ER and replaced it with a loop from earlier in the evening. Hopefully, the cops don’t track the victims back to us, and since none of the girls know who we are— except the ones with you— we should be good. For now.”
“Big Al will run interference for us with law enforcement if needed,” Tomer says. “We did them a big favor tonight. I doubt they’ll spend too much time searching for who the rescuers are.”
“Who’s Big Al?” Violet asks Tomer.
I gulp.