Page 144 of Rival Hero
If he doesn’t cut that shit out, I won’t only fall in love with him; I’ll faceplant into it.
Cake vs. Pie
Five minutes ago, we arrived at Mia’s house, finding it surprisingly untouched, despite her fears about the security outage. The system has since been restored and appears to be working properly.
After finishing the debrief at Redleg, Big Al ordered Aaron and Jonesy to transport Savin and Tasha, along with Davidov, to a nearby motel. Someone from the C-squad is coming to guard them tonight so the others can get some rack time. We’ll figure out what to do with them tomorrow or the next day. In the meantime, they’re safely out of the way.
Leo drove us to Mia’s place since we rode with Tomer over to Redleg before the op.
He was silent the entire drive, but I knew he was itching to pelt us with questions or lecture the shit out of us.
Sure, he’s irritated with us for not looping him into the plan, but I can’t deal with that tonight. He’ll get over it. At the end of the day, he’d have done the same thing with family on the line.
Once he drove off, Mia told me about her system going offline earlier, downplaying everything so I wouldn’t call Lionheart back.
Together, we entered cautiously, with our weapons drawn. We searched but found nothing indicating anyone had been here. No forced entry. Nothing moved or out of place. Not even a bad vibe.
Considering our exhaustion level and that the system is operational again, we decide it’s safe to crash here. Checking into the system malfunction is a problem for tomorrow.
Tonight, we need to unwind and rest.
After checking on my mom via the app and grabbing clean clothes from my SUV, I kick off my boots in the foyer. Mia wordlessly leads me by the hand into the bathroom. She tugs my shirt, untucking it and pulling it over my head. Her hands immediately go to my waistband to work my fly open.
For a few moments, I can only watch her take care of me. Then I snap out of my daze and help her out of her clothes. While we wait for the water to warm, she presses her back to my front. I wrap my arms around her and bury my face in her neck, delicately kissing the pulse point.
We’re still silent as she steers me into the shower.
The water cascades over us, and we simply hold each other. That’s all. No making out or groping. Only compassionate touch and togetherness. Instinctively, we know our souls’ batteries need to recharge.
We haven’t spoken since we decided it was safe to stay here tonight. The strain of the day and the emotion of the rescue have caught up to us.
After a few minutes under the spray, she lovingly washes my hair. My chest tightens the more she dotes on me.
I can’t remember anyone taking care of me like this before.
Because no one ever has.
Once we’re both clean, we quietly dry off and get ready for bed. She tosses on a tank top and an adorable pair of sleep shorts with little cherries covering them. I opt to sleep in my boxers.
We hit the sheets and wrap ourselves around each other. As much as I want to bury my cock inside her, we need this more right now.
“Good night, beautiful,” I whisper while trailing my thumb on the freckled skin of her shoulder.
“Night, Cal. Thanks for staying with me.” She yawns. “If you should wake up with an erection, give me a nudge so I can take care of it.”
I grin sleepily. “Deal.”
Her breathing evens out after a few minutes, and I join her in dreamland.
* * *
I wake in the night,disoriented and alone. A glance at Mia’s side of the bed shows me nothing but an empty pillow. I notice a light shining from the other room, so I get out of bed to see what my tiger is up to.
She’s in the kitchen.