Page 179 of Rival Hero
“I’m sorry for what I said in your office. That was uncalled for. I was upset about my mom, but it’s unfair to keep throwing that shit in your face.”
She presses her lips tight together and swallows. “We haven’t talked about why I did what I did. Not really. I should explain why I am this way. You deserve a chance to ask all your questions. We can’t leave all this unresolved.” She cants her head to the side and forces a swallow. “Doesn’t it feel unsettled?”
“Somewhat,” I agree. “We can talk about it more once everything calms down, okay? Things are nuts around here.”
“And at home for you,” she offers, reminding me of the woman I left under Gloria’s care less than an hour ago.
“Yours too. Let’s not forget we need to figure out who’s spying on you.”
She points her chin at her laptop, which is open on the table behind her. “I’m running a diagnostic program. I’m sure I’ll find something soon.”
“Until we have time to talk about it, I’ll try to stop questioning your motives at every turn.”
She squeezes my hand, agreeing without words.
We stare at each other for a few heavy seconds. Sexual tension crackles now that the angst-filled conversation has dried up.
Her heated gaze falls to my mouth. “Can I kiss you?”
The desperation to feel her lips on mine erodes my respect for workplace decorum. Instead of answering right away, I pick up the desk phone. Peggy answers on the first ring.
“Morning, Peg. Is Boss in yet?”
“On the way. He called a few minutes ago, all fired up, with a laundry list of tasks. More than you can shake a stick at, I’ll tell you that much.” She grumbles under her breath. “I’m on item seven. Number eight was to make sure the intel team is in the conference room in forty-five minutes, along with Shep, Jonesy, Aaron, and Junior. He didn’t tell me the topic but sounded hot about it. So you might want to wear body armor unless you already know what it is, and I’m talking from the side of my mouth.”
“Oh, I know the topic, and body armor isn’t a bad idea. I’ll make sure Mia is with me. Tomer is out today, so we might need to get him to call in for the meeting.”
“Thanks. I’ll message him and the other guys now.”
“See you in forty-five.”
Once I hang up the receiver, Mia’s overpronounced pout draws a laugh from me. “Something wrong, gorgeous?”
She crosses her arms and forces a frown. “If a girl asks if she can kiss you, the response isn’t usually to call Peggy about a meeting with a man who probably wants us maimed.”
I dash to the door and peek out to survey the hallway. Seeing it’s clear, I close and lock the door before quickly returning.
Having observed my every move, she narrows her eyes at me with suspicion, but there’s a hint of excitement playing at the corners of her mouth.
When I return to my seat, I lock the wheels and pat my lap. “Get over here, tiger.”
Her pink tongue swipes at her plump lips. “You want me to sit on your lap?” Even as she asks, she’s already shifting her body to move in my direction.
“Don’t make me ask again,” I taunt, letting the implied threat heat my tone.
After glancing at the door, she complies eagerly with an impish glint in her eye. Her beachy scent reaches me just before she straddles my thighs and rests her palms on my shoulders. Her loose-fitting skirt slides up when she settles onto my lap.
Since the day she started at Redleg, I’ve wanted to see her thighs spread around me in this office. Or in my office. Hers. The break room. On top of the copy machine. Conference room table.
I’ve fantasized about having her on every surface in this entire building.
Gripping her hips, I pull her closer until her breasts meet my chest. She twists the ends of her hair, then rests it on one side of her neck, exposing the other to me. My tongue twitches for a taste, and blood rushes to my dick.
Drinking in the sight of her this close is electrifying, especially how the monitors’ glow illuminates her features.
She’s a vision. Every freckle on her face tells a story. All the gold flecks in her irises come together like beautiful art. I could stare at her for years without satisfying my covetous eyes.