Page 217 of Rival Hero
I lower my face, shame spiking through me. “There was some degradation, denying her, and making her beg. Stuff like that.”
When my eyes raise, there’s no judgment being thrown at me. No disgust or revulsion. They aren’t ready to kick my ass for how I treated her.
Maybe I should cut myself some slack.
“And she was good with all that, right?” Sawyer asks plainly.
“Yeah. Very much so. I’m not entirely sure why she was, so I’ll talk to her about it more. For me, it was empowering and freeing. And seeing how much she loved it was even more gratifying. I think that was the best part. But I’m not sure what she got out of it, other than the eventual pleasure I let her have.”
Shep taps his knuckles on the table. “Oh, damn. Spoken like a true top.”
Sighing, I hit him with a grin and shake of my head.
Sawyer gnaws on his knuckle in jest. “I fucking love it when Sammy makes me beg.” After his eyes meet ours, he huffs, “What? We switch.”
“Oh,” Shep mutters. “The butt stuff makes more sense now.”
“Whatever. I know who my princess is. Happy to worship at her sexy feet.” Waving off Shep, Sawyer addresses me. “Everyone is different, but I can guess what she gets out of it.”
After I scan the restaurant again to check for anything amiss, I square my shoulders with him, inviting him to explain.
“Mia seems like the type who has had to fight tooth and nail for everything. She’s probably been stronger than most for alongtime. She’s tough and works hard to stay a step ahead of everyone. That’s how I see her in the day-to-day. And that shit is exhausting. Mentally and physically.”
Shep encourages him by spinning his hand around. “Keep going, buddy. You’re on the right path.”
“When someone battles all day, there is something so damn liberating about submitting in the bedroom. It takes trust and respect to cede control, knowing the other person cares about you and will see to your needs. You don’t have to worry or think. Just do as they say. Shut your mind off. And the best part is knowing the person in controlenjoyshaving that power over you. It’s fucking beautiful, man. The same way you enjoy her response, she likely enjoys yours.”
“Wow.” My head is swimming.
Shep stiffens beside me. “Okay, buddy. It’s almost my turn to check the perimeter. But regarding punishment, remember this rule. If she ever wants pain— even if it’s just a spanking— the golden rule is to hurt without harm. If a sub enjoys some pain, that’s fine to administer, assuming you’re okay with it too. But make sure the pain is temporary and doesn’t cause any long-term harm. Safe. Consensual. And not harmful, physically or emotionally.”
“Got it. Thanks. That’s exactly the kind of thing I wanted to learn.”
“You said something earlier that I want to circle back to,” Sawyer begins. “You asked if there was something wrong with you for being this way. The answer is a resounding fuck no. There’snothingwrong with enjoying being in control. Just like there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be dominated. Both are healthy. There’s a stigma around sex that’s pretty fucked up, if you ask me. As long as both parties are consenting, communicating, and safe, there is nothing wrong with exploring new things together. Be it with toys, dirty talk, bondage, edging. Do some research if you need to. You can ask us about shit too.”
Shep adds, “Whatever you do, don’t learn from porn, because that’s all bullshit.”
While I process their words, I feel light enough to float away. All that guilty weight I’ve been carrying around since the night of thecock slap heard ’round the worldhas been shed.
Fuck.I feel good.
“Guys, thanks for this talk. And I’m glad to learn I’m not alone in this… non-vanilla thing.”
“You didn’t hear this from me, but the one you work with knows even more than we do about the lifestyle,” Shep announces quietly.
“What the fuck, man?” I snap, my spine instantly stiffening, my chest puffing, and my heart racing. “You said you didn’t have a past with her.”
“Not her, nimrod,” Shep retorts with a pointed eye roll and a swat against the back of my skull.
My blood pressure plummets. “Huh?”
What in the hell is he talking about? The one I work with?
Sawyer’s jaw falls to his chest. “Chuck?No fucking way.”
And the blood pressure spikes again. “Wait. What? Tomer?”
Shep leans close, and we mimic his position. All three of us hover in the center of the table, waiting for him to elaborate.