Page 23 of Rival Hero
“Fuck the coffee,” he seethes. “The only thing that’s going to improve this day is the sight of you walking out the door, never to return.”
“That’s a bit harsh, don’t you think?”
“You would know harsh, wouldn’t you?”
My cheek twitches, but I throw on my tough chick mask so he doesn’t see what I’m really feeling.
Regret. Shame. Guilt.
It’s a triple-layer cake of self-loathing with bitter frosting.
But on the outside, you’d never know how disgusted I am with myself.
After years of working in a male-dominated field, I’ve learned to establish myself as a hard-ass right away. Otherwise, I’ll always be seen as weak. If I lose my footing now, I’ll never regain it.
So no matter how much I hate what I did to him, I can’t let it show. I need to remember the key to handling difficult people is never letting them know they’ve gotten under your skin.
Only Cal isn’t difficult. He’s hurt; rightfully so.
But I was hurt once too. And so was my sister. Worst of all, it wouldn’t have happened if I’d known who he was. If only I’d have taken a closer look.
That’s why I’ll never be caught unprepared again.
Now isn’t the time to let guilt win. It’s time to fortify my shield and remember why my actions were a necessary evil.
With an unaffected shrug, I toss, “Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you. But I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon.”
His jaw clicks harder than before, and he mashes his lips together. I hope he has a good dentist. If you looked upholding your tonguein the idiom dictionary, you’d see his picture at this very moment.
Clearly, there’s a lot he wants to say to me.
None of it nice.
But he’s holding it back because… well, because he’s a good fucking guy.
And dammit to hell. I stilllikehim.
Stiffening my spine, I inject a touch of ice into my tone— as much for my benefit as for his. “After what happened, I’m not surprised you’re mad. You don’t have to like me, but I’m not leaving. Better get used to it.”
“Not leaving, huh?” His brows raise, and he leans forward. “We’ll see about that.”
My head cricks back sharply, but I gather my composure instantly. “If you think I’m going to be intimidated by you, prepare to be sorely disappointed. I’ve gone toe to toe with far more threatening men than you. You’re like a puppy, Cal.”
He laughs humorlessly, running his tongue along his lower lip.
I want to suck on that lip. Or that tongue. Or both.
Yeah. Both sounds good.
“You don’t get to call me that anymore. The name is Klein. And this puppy bites back, so steer clear, or you’ll get hurt.”
And with that, he storms off.
The big baby.