Page 232 of Rival Hero
“The night of the bjology, right?”
He shakes his head and blinks. “Yeah. You said you got into the FBI so easily because a door was carelessly left open.”
“It was an expression.”
“What if it wasn’t just an expression?”
My racing mind accelerates, going from sixty to ninety in two seconds. “You’re suggesting someone intentionally left it open for me and then closed it?”
He raises his shoulders. “Maybe. Is that technically possible? If so, it would explain why you can’t get in that way again.”
“Yes, it’s possible. But why would someone do that? And why are you bringing it up?”
He joins me in the middle of the room. “I think it’s related to whoever is fucking with your security system.”
I tug my braid over my shoulder to fiddle with the ends. “Explain.”
“Maybe they weren’t trying to drawyouinto their system— not you specifically— but perhaps they left that little bit exposed so they’d know if and when someone started investigating the mole. If someone got into their system through the open door, they could trace it back so they’d know who they needed to silence.”
“The timing tracks,” I offer, quickly getting on board with his theory. “I accessed their servers, then my place was hit a few hours later. But why put me under surveillance instead of putting a hit out on me?”
“Mia, this guy is talented, but so are you. Since you covered your tracks, it couldn’t have been easy for him to trace the FBI hack to you. Maybe he wasn’t entirely sure it was you and thought it was safer to watch you for a bit to ensure they found the right person.”
While my thoughts spiral, I suck in a big inhale, letting it puff my cheeks. With a grin, he squeezes my cheeks and makes the air sputter out. We share a cleansing chuckle.
I bring us chest to chest and wrap my arms around his waist. “Your appearance says himbo gym rat, but your brain is as impressive as your cock.”
“Lately, I’ve spent a lot of time inside the body of a certified genius. It must be rubbing off.”
My next exhale comes out with a quiver. “Speaking of rubbing off.”
His grin turns devilish. “Hold that thought until we figure out who’s gunning for my girl.”
“That could take forever. My clit needs rubbing now,” I pout jokingly, adding a foot stamp for dramatic flair.
He kisses the tip of my nose. “You’re a mess.”
“But would you want me any other way?”
“I’d love nothing more than to make you scream, but I’m trying to focus on your safety. Stop making it so hard.”
One of my hands slips from his waist to his front on a path to his dick. “But I love making it hard.”
He grabs my wrist to halt my groping. I stifle a groan, but it’s all sarcasm. He’s right about needing to focus.
“Tiger, if you’re trying to earn a punishment, it’s working.”
Instead of a quivering breath leaving me, this time it’s a shaky humming stutter that sounds something likeuh-huh-ga-ga-mm-pah.
My articulation around this man knows no bounds.
“Be serious for a second, Mia. Now that we have a potential reason for the perp’s madness, let’s peel it back another layer and talk about who it could be.”
“Good point. Let’s see.”
He leads me to the couch. “There can’t be many people at the regional FBI branch with the technical skills to carry this out.”
“This is true. But it could be done remotely. For all we know, it’s someone at headquarters in DC.”