Page 245 of Rival Hero
Two more times she starts and stops, unable to find the words. I hate this fucking disease.
“Give the phone to Mia. Or Jenna. Give the phone to the redhead.”
“She’s gone, Calvin. Another woman came and took her.”
Not the best time for her to break with reality.
“Listen to me, please. Stay in the house. I’ll be home in a few minutes. Can you lock the front door and stay in the house?”
“Yes.” Her breath crackles the line. “I’m scared. I’m confused. Something is wrong, but I don’t know what.”
Shit.She’s crying, and it further batters my heart.
“It’s fine. Just relax,” I soothe. “Did you go to the front door? Is it locked?”
“It was open. I’m closing it.”
Open? Why the hell would the front door be open? Is she even at home?
“Okay, Calvin. I closed the front door and locked it like you said. Is that good? Did I do okay?”
She sounds childlike, and it breaks my fucking heart.
“Yes, you did good. Sit on the couch and wait for me, okay?”
“Okay. I love you.”
I hang up, my heart souring and my soul shaken to bits.
This right hereis why I can’t do field work anymore.
“Mia, are you there?” Jonesy asks, his voice jerking my attention to the other side of the hotel room.
Wait. Theystilldon’t have her on the radio?
I quickly access Ma’s location via the app on my phone. A wave of relief surges through my chest. Safe at home. Heart rate is a little elevated, but she’s agitated, which makes sense. I flip to the other app and check my nanny cams, and my mother is standing at the front door, frozen. I scan the room and don’t see Mia.
What’s happening?
“Mia?” I ask this time, rejoining the team.
Again, no response.
Please, let the comms be down. But something tells me it’s not a communication problem.
“Boss, are you hearing us?” Jonesy barks out. His thoughts must mirror mine.
“Affirmative. Mia, do you copy?”
“You’re too late,” Tony moans. “She’s got her already. I tried to stop her. I was trying to help. I only wanted to protect Mia.”
What is happening?
“Mia! Answer me, dammit!” I yell, my vision tunneling and a cold sweat forming along my brow.
My heart is in my fucking throat, my pulse is erratic, and I’m dizzy. I’veneverlost it on an op like this before. Usually, there’s a steely calm, as if I’m operating my body from a remote control.
But something isverywrong.