Page 256 of Rival Hero
With Tony secure, Sawyer joins me in the middle row. Jonesy is behind the wheel, and Aaron rides shotgun.
Tony grumbles mostly to himself. “I can’t believe I came all the fucking way to Florida to help— in this damn heat, no less— and got a broken fucking wrist for my troubles.”
Unable to stifle my growl, I crane my neck to glare at him. “We wouldn’t have ambushed you if you’d contacted Mia to tell her what was happening.”
“I couldn’t. Lisa was watching us too closely,” he contends. “I didn’t want to tip her off that I was down here. Otherwise, she’d send the damn Russians after me, and we’d all be dead.”
I shake my head, not buying his bullshit. “You couldn’t make a phone call to Redleg? Send a text? Encrypted email? Smoke signal? Hire a skywriter? All your alleged fucking tech savvy, and yet Mia’s taken to fuck knows where by a psychopath.”
Fury boiling over, I slam my fist into the armrest. Sawyer grips my other forearm, attempting to calm me.
But there’s no chance of that happening until Mia’s safe in my arms.
Where she belongs.
Tony sputters more of his story. “I flew in late last night and worked straight through the night to stop Lisa, all while uncovering more evidence to save myselfand Mia. I was trying—”
“Shut the fuck up!” I snap. “Don’t say her name again. You should have fucking told her Lisa was after her and working for the Mafia. She’d have known about the danger, and we’d have been searching for her, not you. It’syourfault she’s been taken. And I swear to fuck, if anything happens to her, you’ll have more to worry about than a broken wrist.”
“I did my fucking best. I opened the door to the server for her. I put a tag on Lisa’s rental car last night too. I did—”
Jonesy interrupts him this time. “What? You tagged her car?”
Tony’s dumb face waxes over. “Yeah.Shit.I did that last night when I found out where she was staying.”
“Why the fuck didn’t you tell us? Are you trying to get Mia killed?” I roar, my arm poised to clock him in the jaw.
Sawyer catches my fist before it flies. “Easy, buddy. We’ll save your girl. Stay calm.”
If Sawyer weren’t holding me back, Tony would be a dead man.
Get it together, pal.
Shaking it off, I face the front and force a handful of deep breaths.
I’ve never been blinded by rage this badly. My heart thrashes in my chest. My teeth crack under the strain of my jaw. And my knuckles are pure white.
Must find her.
Once Tony sees I’m under control, he rambles out his bullshit excuses. “Sorry I didn’t think of it sooner. I’m seriously fucking sleep deprived, okay? And your pretty boy here broke my fucking wrist. I don’t think clearly when I’m in fucking agony.”
“Tomer, did you copy that?” Sawyer asks.
“Yeah, he said you’re pretty, but that’s not important right now. Tony, tell me how to track her location from here.”
Did Tomer make a joke?Not the fucking time to grow a personality, T. Focus on finding Mia.
Tony rushes through instructions for Tomer so he can access the tracking system, which is thankfully a simple web-based program.
After he’s locked on the location, Tomer announces, “She appears to be parked about eight minutes from you. Sending their location to your navigation system.”
Fight, tiger. Fight. We’re coming, baby. Hold on.
Big Al’s voice comes through the comms. “Klein, I got an update for you. Henderson arrived, and everything is good at the residence.”
My mother is safe.
For one sweet moment, I allow relief to flutter through me. With my eyes closed, I bow my chin and utter, “Thank you, Boss.”