Page 265 of Rival Hero
“Wow. Tomer, I’m so sorry. Give her time. She’s been through a lot. Maybe once she calms down, she’ll realize you were only looking out for her. Be patient.”
He shrugs my hand off his shoulder and schools his emotions. “Nah. It’s over, but that’s for the best. She’s safer without me. And it wasn’t serious anyhow.”
Flat. Emotionless.
The robot has returned.
And he’s lying to meandto himself.
I won’t challenge him on this now. We’ve got other issues.
Aaron takes the empty seat on Cal’s other side and grips him by the shoulder in a brotherly gesture. “How’s our mama, Klein?”
My heart squeezes.
The other night in bed, Cal told me about the conversation he had with the guys the other day and how good it felt to come clean. Throughout the week, he’s told a few others about his mother’s condition when he’s seen them.
“She’s okay. The day after everything happened was rough, but she seems to have steadied again.”
“That’s good to hear. Myabuelitohad dementia. Although I was a kid, I could tell it was hard on my folks. If you need a night out, let me know. I’ll come by and play cards with her or something. Whenever you need a break, just say so. I could also take her to breakfast or brunch if that’s better. I’d say dinner, but I read the nights are usually harder.”
He read about it. Probably recently.
I’m not gonna cry. I’m not gonna cry.
“Thanks, man,” Cal replies with a barely noticeable wobble in his voice.
I knew he would have all the support in the world if he told them about what he was dealing with at home. Big Al called him into his office yesterday, and they had acome-to-Jesusabout it. As you’d expect, he offered everything he could to assist, right down to extended leave time and extra personal days.
Shep slopes his head to one side. “What did I miss? What’s going on with your mom?”
“She’s, uh, she’s got Alzheimer’s. I told the guys about it the other day during the op. Sorry I didn’t tell you, but it wasn’t easy to talk about.”
“No need to apologize. We all deal with our shit the best way we can. But ditto what Aaron said. Anything you need, we’re there for you.”
“Me too, man,” Junior chimes in.
Before Cal has a chance to respond, all faces whip toward the doorway. Sue comes in with Lionheart. Sawyer and Boss file in behind.
Stoic faces and furrowed brows on all of them. Hostility radiates in a heavy fog, settling around us all.
Even the perpetually jovial Sawyer struggles to mask his rage.
“Thanks for waiting, everyone.” Big Al places his coffee and tablet at the head of the table but doesn’t take a seat. I’ve never seen him this disheveled, with his hair unkempt and shirt untucked.
He puts his fists on his hips and stares us down through bloodshot eyes. “I’m sure you’re all wondering what’s up with the extra security downstairs and the increased safety protocol. It’s not that I don’t trust you, but we’ve got to be vigilant as fuck until further notice.”
No one speaks while we wait for further elaboration.
Across the table, Leo’s entire frame is coated in a mix of pain and fury. He’s practically vibrating.
Without any additional preamble, Boss announces, “Lenkov is out for Redleg blood.”
“What happened, Boss?” Cal asks.
“An attempt was made on my life last night. In the process, Madeline Mason, Leo’s mother…” He trails off and shakes his head. My pulse slams in my neck. “Madeline was shot.”
Shocked gasps reverberate around the room.