Page 269 of Rival Hero
Her makeup is flawless. Her hair is soft and luxurious. And her clothes are pressed and clean. It’s a stark contrast to the last time I saw her.
“Hey, Sue. She wanted to come to see someone here.” The mom-to-be glances at Lettie and smiles warmly. “And Violet’s not one to back down once she’s made up her mind about something.”
I know where she gets that trait.
The doppelganger folds Sue in a hug she clearly doesn’t want, but she shoves him away wearing a slightly irritated smile. “Get off me, you dingus.”
“Dingus? Is that any way to talk to your favorite Amos-hole?”
Sue rolls her eyes. “You’re not my favorite, Cort. You’re not even in the top three.”
Cort Amos. That’s who that is. I remember from the research I did on Sue. That would make the woman with him his wife, Amber, the Co-CEO of Langley S&D.
“Wow, Sue. That hurts.” He slaps his hand to his chest like he’s taken a shot to the heart, then he shakes his wrist dramatically. “Ouch. Dammit. Now my hand is wounded from my impossibly ripped pecs. You’ve done me dirty, Mrs. Mason.”
“Calm down, Cort. Read the room. Now’s not the time for your dramatics,” his wife chastises him before facing me. “Hi, I’m Amber Amos. Maiden name is Langley.” She waddles closer and offers me her hand. “I’m in charge of the Langley Foundation. This lovable scamp is my husband, Cort Amos. Are you Mia?”
“The red hair was a giveaway. I’ve heard a little bit about you from Lettie. The girls you helped save are grateful.”
She fans her face rapidly with her fingertips. “Dammit. Crying again. Get this baby out so I can get through a conversation without blubbering.”
Sue’s head whips to face me. Her lower lip juts in a pout, her eyes pleading.
I stifle my grin and ask Amber, “Are CEOs always this hands-on with the girls their foundation sponsors?”
“We were asked to take special care of this one.” She leans forward and whispers, “Tomer.” She takes a step back. “Plus, I’m on maternity leave, and Cort’s my chauffeur since I’m about to pop.”
“Thanks for making room for the girls. Are they doing okay?”
“Some better than others, but we’re getting them all the help we can. They’re all strong as hell and will get through this.”
She tears up again, and Cort’s there to tuck her against his side. He kisses the top of her head and wipes her tears.
They’re achingly sweet together.
“Well, we should go,” Sue announces. “I guess I’ll see you guys at the next game night.”
“Bring your A-game, Susie Q. Not that it will help. You and that over-tatted beast man are going down.”
Amber smacks him in the abs. “Didn’t I tell you to simmer down?”
We say our goodbyes and travel the rest of the way down the hall to the conference room.
Boss has finally taken his seat. He and Shep appear to be bickering about how to handle Yuri.
After I’m seated, Cal grabs my hand and gets right by my ear. “Sue okay?”
“Yeah. She had some spoiled sushi.” I wink at him, but the hint goes right over his head. I’ll need to ask Sue later if I can tell Cal. I don’t want any secrets between us, but I did promise her.
Ugh. Being a grown-up is hard.
“We heard you guys talking out there,” Cal whispers. “Everything okay?”
“Amber and Cort Amos are out there with Peggy. They have Lettie with them.”
On my other side, Tomer stiffens. He must have heard me.