Page 30 of Rival Hero
Big Al grins at Tomer, clearly pleased that he’s kept the brains of the organization from quitting.
Mia and I are locked in a dead stare as the implications sink in. This isn’t going to be a few days of suffering while we ensure she’s trained. By the end of the week, I won’t be heading out to the field where I could avoid her.
We have to work together.
Every day.
On the same three-person team.
Kill me now.
With my pulse racing, the whooshing of blood rushing through my head drowns out whatever Boss and Tomer are saying. I see their lips moving as they talk animatedly, but I’ll be damned if I know what they’re saying. They could be swapping pie recipes or planning a Redleg retreat to the moon, and I’d be none the wiser.
“Wipe that look off your face, Klein,” Big Al chides, giving me a playful nudge. “You’re still on the intel team. This is what you wanted. I thought you’d be happy.”
Mia looks at the table, her eyelashes fluttering while she gains her composure. Attempting to do the same, I roll my shoulders and offer a grin at Boss.
He’s right. Ishouldbe happy. This is what I wanted.
What I needed.
There you go, kid. Focus on the positive. That’s my boy.
But not with Mia.
“Sorry. Yeah… this is great news,” I force out, letting my hands fall flat to the table with a soft thump. “I guess I’m just shocked.”
“Excellent. Now, here’s how I see it playing out.” He quickly shifts into Boss mode. “Tomer will be ultimately responsible for deciding how to best utilize the two of you until further notice.” He looks at Mia. “You’ve got skills that we need desperately here, and I want you to teach these guys everything you can. In turn, they’ll get you up to speed with how we operate at Redleg. Our priorities, procedures, communication systems, and so forth.”
“Not a problem,” she answers coolly, then looks across the table at me. “I’m sure we’ll make a great team.”
Big Al’s shoulders roll, and his perpetually furrowed brow loosens for the first time in weeks. To Tomer, he adds, “I know you’ve been working solo for a long time, with the exception of Klein here joining you recently, but this is your chance to make sure the unit is set up the way you want it. Utilize their skills and give them a chance to sink or swim occasionally. Once their training wheels are off, you can even take that vacation.”
Idly, I wonder where Tomer would go for a vacation. Not to Vegas or the Caribbean— too fun. Not a cruise— too many people. He’d probably do something like tour a mustard factory, visit the largest ball of wax, or lock himself in the Library of Congress to read historical documents and analyze their classification system, ultimately suggesting improvements.
“Everyone good?” Boss asks several moments later, mentally dragging me back to the meeting.
Around the table, we all nod repeatedly, making us look like a bunch of bobblehead dolls. Tomer seems genuinely excited, which is an emotion he’s never revealed before in my presence. Good for him. Despite how tragic this is for me, I’m glad to see him so energized.
Mia seems jittery but forces herself to stay calm. You can see it by the tight set of her jaw and the occasional twitch of her left eye. Seeing her frazzled makes me feel warm inside. She deserves it.
As for me? No clue what my face is showing. Probably everything I’m feeling— shock, apprehension, anger, elation, anticipation, and a million other emotions I haven’t processed yet. I’ve never been able to avoid wearing my heart on my sleeve. No sense in trying now.
“Let’s touch base formally once a week so you can update me on how things are unfolding. I’ll have Peggy get those scheduled.” He stands and pulls away from the table before slicing my gut with his next words. “I know you all need your own office space, but I’d like you to spend the next few weeks working together in Tomer’s office as much as possible. I think it’s important for team cohesiveness and will get you on the same page. It’ll be easier for you to get Mia up and running that way too. Likewise, she can share her specialized skills with you.”
Why do those words make me think of the way she worked my cock deep into her throat when she was on her knees in my shower? She has specialized skills, all right.
And I wish I didn’t know that so well.
How the hell am I supposed to work beside her knowing how she tastes, how good she feels wrapped around my dick, and the way she screams when she climaxes?
Yep. I’m still fucked.