Page 44 of Rival Hero
There isn’t enough Sir Tom Jones music on earth to drown out the sound of Mia and Tomer talking. Whispering. Strategizing. Plotting. Snickering. Laughing.
Tomer laughs now. Often. The no-fun fuck is having fun. At work, no less.
You know who’s not having fun?
Redleg used to be my happy place. My escape from what’s happening with my mom.
Until Mia got here and ruined it all with her curvy body, hypnotic voice, and intoxicating scent.
And most of all, her fucking mouth.
Every time I look at her, I remember how good those lips looked wrapped around my dick. And how good it sounded when she called out my name. The only time my name sounded like music to my ears.
Damn her.
Mia’s officially been my coworker for two weeks. Everyone here loves her. They’ve welcomed her with open arms. Marley, one of the female guards, organized a girls’ lunch to welcome Mia to the Redleg family the other day. Even Sue went along.
Two weeks of being stuck in a room with her. Seeing her every day. Listening to the playful lilt of her voice and analyzing the differences in her laughs. Watching her soft ivory hands stroke across the keyboard in my periphery. Learning how her brain works and why she’s so good at what she does.
Worst of all, it’s been two weeks of smelling her delicate beachy scent. My dick is so permanently hard that I could use it as a crutch if I broke my leg.
An excruciating two weeks of listening to her and Tomer become BFFs. I wouldn’t be surprised if they came in tomorrow with matching charm bracelets. Pretty sure they’re falling in love right before my eyes, and it’s killing me.
All day long, they share their little secrets and swap hacking stories.
Stink on shit. White on rice. Peas in a pod. Cling wrap to itself but never the dish you want to cover.
Another one of her patented boisterous belly laughs shakes my concentration from the newThrowbotI’m testing. It’s a tactical robot, smaller than a shoe box. You can throw it on a roof or into an off-limits area and get audio and video footage. And it can climb and move over all types of terrain to get into areas we can’t. Cool shit.
But I can’t enjoy it because her laugh distracts me from new toy playtime.
That freaking laugh.
So loud. So real and unreserved. It shouldn’t be as enchanting as it is. I wish it annoyed me so I’d stop craving her the way I do. I’d give just about anything for something about her to be a turn-off.
Literally anything.
Reminding myself about her duplicity is all that keeps me from throwing her on the desk and fucking her senseless.
After tossing my supposedly-noise-canceling-but-don’t-really-cancel-shitheadphones onto my desk, I walk out of the office.
Walk. Stomp. Storm. Flee. Whatever.
The point is, I’m leavingimmediately. I need to clear my head and my olfactory system before my dick gets so hard it breaks off.
Maybe I’ll take a lunch break today to return those stupid headphones. They don’t work for shit.
Where’s Sawyer when you need him? I bet he knows the best brand to get. If only they made smell-canceling nose plugs. And also something to wipe the memory of how she tasted from my brain. While I’m dreaming big, is there a pill I can take to remove the knowledge of how she sounds when she comes from my mind? Because that would bereallyhelpful right about now.
Marching down the hallway with no real destination in mind, I catch sight of Shep heading to the elevator.
He waves me over. “Hey, man.”