Page 58 of Rival Hero
“You expect me to believe it just happened? You sure it wasn’t on your checklist? Find the mark. Check. Set up a chance meeting. Check. Flirt with him.” My volume increases as the rage boils over. “Get him drunk. Ask him everything. Take what you want from him without regard. Treat him like a computer and hack into him. After all, he doesn’t matter since he’s not a person. Check. Oh, and if you have time, fuck his brains out and sneak out the door like a fucking coward. Check, check, check, motherfucking check.”
The red in her cheeks isn’t from shame or guilt anymore.
She’s mad. Good. I am too.
She jabs her fucking finger into my chest and snaps, “Stop it. That’s not how it happened.”
“I had a few drinks that night, but that’s pretty much how it happened. You took what you wanted from here.” I point to my head. “And then took what you wanted from here.” I cup my impossibly hard dick through my jeans to illustrate her secondary target.
“That’s not how it was supposed to happen. I didn’t want to sleep with you.”
My head rears back at her words, confusion swirling. “I didn’t force you. In fact, you were the one who proposed we go to my place. I didn’t coerce you or pressure you. I checked in with you the whole fucking time.”
The mere idea of forcing myself on her or any woman is repulsive.
Backtracking now, she stammers, “No, of course, you didn’t f-f-force me. It-it was consensual. You made sure of that the entire time.” She sighs, hands falling to her sides in a huff. “That’snotwhat I meant.”
I run my hands through the sides of my hair in frustration. “Mia, Tomer’s going to be back soon. He gave us thirty minutes, and half of that time has been you shaking your head and telling me I’m wrong. Let’s cut to the chase. Are you physically able to answer one simple question with a simple answer?”
She fists her hands on her hips and sharpens her glare. “Yes. What question?”
Fuck, she’s sexy when she’s flustered and angry.
And I hate her for it.
“If you didn’tplanon seducing me, then why did you go home with me?”
I cross my arms and wait her out while praying to the Rat Pack in heaven that she gives me a straight answer. Just this freaking once.
“Because I fucking like you,” she seethes, eyes glistening. “I have never wanted someone the way I wanted you that night. And every damn day since then. I couldn’t resist you, okay? I wanted you to make me forget who I was. I wanted one night to experience… whatever that thing is between us. That spark. That fire.Dammit, Cal, I wanted you.”Stomping her foot, she sucks in a stuttered breath.
When she speaks again, her volume is low and her words are braided with anguish. “I still do. And I hate myself for it, but not as much as I hate myself for hurting you.”
This woman is the most confusing and maddening human on the planet.
As furious at her as I am, she’s got me questioning everything and my heart aching.
For her.
Yet I don’t know if I can believe her. Is she playing me again? Is this more of her bullshit scheme? Continue to knock me around and play with me like a fat house cat with a mouse?
And why in the freaking hell does she look like she’d sell her soul for me to kiss her right now?
She’s inched so close to me you couldn’t fit a piece of paper between us. She’s licking her lips and breathing heavily, and her pupils are dilated, removing all but a sliver of an emerald circle. Her entire body begs me from the quiver of her chin to the pleading in her eyes and the heaving of her breasts.
But she’s not taking what she wants this time.
She’s not grabbing me by the shirt and yanking my mouth to hers like she did that night in the alley.
She wants me to make a move.
Tough shit. I’m not feeling especially generous right now, and I have no reason to believe her. But I have plenty of reasons not to.
Without thinking through a plan— there is no plan, because I’m not conniving like her— I just act.
Swiftly and boldly, I capture her cheeks between my palms and tilt her face up.