Page 74 of Rival Hero
Why the hell are thick veins so sexy? Is there such a thing as a vein kink? If so, I’ve got it. And not in a phlebotomist way. I don’t want to jab a needle in them, but I do want to see those hands roam over my entire body, veins and muscles bulging and popping.
Blinking and giving my head a sobering shake, I search my mind for what we were talking about. Was it veins? I feel like it was veins.
No. That can’t be right.
I have no freaking clue what he asked. Unless it was something about how he could use those hands to show me the heavens above, I’m at a loss.
“What did you say?” I ask.
A knowing grin makes a seductive appearance on his lickable face, but he pauses to let me suffer, refusing to answer my question.
Cocky hot jerk face.
“I’m sorry. I was distracted. Did you ask something?”
He arches a single brow and lets his smile spread wider. “Distracted, huh? Like before? Weren’t you going to tell me what had you distracted?”
Biting the inside of my cheek, I consider all the flirty banter we could have. But we must focus on Lettie. The clock is ticking for her.
“As much as I want to drag your innocent mind into the gutter where all my thoughts of you have taken up residence, now is not the time.”
Wow. My voice is unseasonably warm for this time of year.
He schools his features, simmering that teasing glow he wears so well. “Let’s solve this case, then you can continue corrupting my innocent, non-gutter-dwelling mind.” When his smile attempts to reemerge, he clears his throat. “What I asked while you were lounging in the gutter was, why don’t we just turn over whatever you have that points to Lenkov to law enforcement? If you’ve done all the legwork to speed up the response, won’t they take it from there?”
“Great question. I’m glad you asked.”
After a roll of his eyes, he flips his wrist to encourage me to continue.
“Aside from this being a very high priority for someone at Redleg,” I pause and widen my eyes at him, “which I will be explaining tonight, I don’t trust them.”
“You don’t trust the sheriff’s office?”
I offer a hesitant nod. “Not so much the sheriff’s office, but the people they’d turn the case over to.”
He rubs the nape of his neck like the thought makes him uncomfortable. “Explain.”
Forcing an exhale, I go out on a limb, hoping to lay the foundation to earn his trust. Eventually. “If they suspect it’s trafficking-related, they’ll turn it over to the regional task force.”
“That should be a good thing. You’ve got FBI, DHS, and a ton of other agencies on those, right? That means more resources to help find her.”
Deep breath. Here it comes.
“Not if they’re compromised.”
Klein’s entire demeanor shifts, concern and anger spiking behind his hazel eyes. “Mia, knowing what little I know about you, I don’t think you’re the type of person who makes an accusation like that without proof.”
My heart pumps a little harder at the sliver of faith in my character he’s showing. Then again, it could be a back-handed compliment given our brief but tumultuous past.
“I have strong suspicions, based on compelling yet circumstantial evidence.”
He tugs his lower lip into his mouth, sucking and nibbling at it. What I wouldn’t give to replace that lower lip with my clit.
No. Bad Mia. Stop that.
Focus on the case.