Page 41 of Beautiful Obsession
And damn Atlas fucking Ortega for making me feel this way.
The shower is running when I get back to my place. I give a cursory look around and find my panty drawer wide open, the contents inside strewn across the floor.
Fucking Rowan Stone!
He does go through my panty drawer when I’m not here! I knew some were missing. I blamed the dryer, but that was obviously a lie I told myself to ease my mind.
My face flames, and I march into the bathroom, throwing the door open. I should wait until he’s finished, but if he doesn’t respect my privacy, then I’m not going to respect his.
He doesn’t deserve the courtesies he doesn’t afford me.
I yank the shower curtain away, a curse slipping from my lips and aimed in his direction. But I stutter halfway through, freezing as I catch his compromising position.
He’s huge and takes up a good chunk of my shower space. But what has me frozen is the gloriousness of Rowan’s body. Every smooth pane, every scar raised against his flesh, every inch is like he was carved from marble.
But the most impressive thing is his cock. Held in the palm of his hand as he squeezes the shaft in the slowest, taunting motion.
His eyes lock on mine, and he pulls his hand away like it burns, and before I can blink, he has grabbed me by the throat. I gasp at the suddenness and surprise the action causes. While his hand is wet and slippery, his grip is firm, rough, and feels like it’s meant to kill.
“Rowan–” I choke as his grip tightens, and then he’s yanking me forward into the confined space, his damp lips brushing over mine in a desperate way. Cold water rains down on me, and I try to sputter in breaths, but he holds me captive.
“Rowan,” I whisper once more, but it’s an afterthought in comparison to how good his mouth feels against mine.
“Shut the fuck up,” Rowan says on growling words that rumble across my lips. “Do you see what you fucking do to me, Atlas?” He grips my hand and forces it against the slick length of his cock, closing my fingers around his shaft as far as they’ll reach. The water is a painful sensation, but the feel of his cock sears my hand, branding against my palm, and my fingers eagerly close around it as much as they can.
His rough treatment sends a zing through me when I know it shouldn’t. Sliding my palm slowly down to feel all of him is almost instinctive, but he halts the movement, tightening his hand around mine to an almost painful degree. Like he’s punishing me and his cock at the same time for something neither of us can control.
Rowan leans down closer and our foreheads touch. Deep blue eyes hold mine from beneath his long damp lashes. There’s a moment when he breathes me in, and everything fades. The coldness of the water ceases to bite against my skin because it’s perfectly contrasted against the warmth of his own. It’s like he wants the pain of the water to make up for something else in his life. With every stroke I give him my thighs shift, the water making me slick and needy in more ways than one. My fear fades, bleeding into a pleasure so acute, I can hardly contain the moan that tries to slip past my throat, choked out of me in a strangled sound because his palm keeps my neck captive.
“You drive me mad,” he whispers, and the words are like a confession, fueled with hatred and awe.
And I feel the exact same way.
“I don’t know if I want to fuck you or kill you, Atlas.” His eyes burn brighter against the droplets of water on his lashes. “So I’ll settle for both.”
With a sexy smirk, he slams me hard against the shower tiles, and I see stars. His hands are suddenly everywhere, ripping at my clothes with surprising strength like he can’t get me bare fast enough. He only manages it halfway, tearing the straps of my dress down the middle, shoving the lace of my bra beneath my breasts. Stinging splatters spray across my flesh, pebbling my nipples in a pain-fueled way. My panties are pushed from my hips, and everything happens so fast that the gasp against my lips tears from my lungs.
Then his fingers are inside me, sliding down my wet pussy and sinking in hard and fast, making me cry out. He bends further, scraping his teeth against my breasts. He bites down hard on my nipple, and I barely grab him for purchase as his fingers surge deeper inside my sex.
“I’m going to kill you, Atlas,” he threatens against my skin.
Fear slices inside me, and somehow my desire is greater. The sweet kiss of death could never frighten me when I’ve lived through much worse than what Rowan could ever do to me. He can whisper whatever sinister words he wants but only ever gives me bliss. The pleasure mounting through me is far greater than fear could ever be.
“Then do it,” I threaten boldly. “Fuckingdo it.” My lips tremble against the cold but his body ignites mine with every little touch.
He curls against me near my neck, the idea of it clearly being considered in his head right before his lips come crashing down against mine. It’s like tasting heaven and hell all at once. Then his hand is around my throat once more. I gasp across his mouth, and he plunders me with fingers deep in my pussy and tongue sliding in the most demanding way. His slick hand wraps tighter, choking me hard enough that my head begins to spin. Stars burst behind my eyes, and I swear it's from the building energy pulsing at my core. Somehow, I crave that release, whatever it is. Whether it’s the edge of bliss or the whisper where life meets death all over again.
Rowan pulls away from me. “The things you do to me, Atlas.” His fingers curl deeply, touching that sweet, sweet spot inside me that has me curving in for more. “I want to end you for what you do to me. Maybe then you’ll get out of my fucking head.”
I can’t breathe. I can’t do anything but feel the lights dimming while desire surges through, igniting me down to my very core. It’s so close.
But Rowan pulls away and my knees buckle. He watches me land on them in a puddle of water at his feet. I choke on air and glare up at him, conveying my own emotions in my eyes while I heave in deep breaths. He barely lets me do that before his fingers tangle into my curls, and he shoves me back by the nape of my neck.
My mouth opens just as his dick slips over my lips, and he thrusts inside.