Page 104 of Thick Girls Pole
“Please what? I’ve never pulled punches with you and I’m not going to now,” she said. “I once told you that you needed to find a man who recognizes that you’re the best thing in the world. I knew the minute I saw you two together that Simon Parker is that man. And I have no idea why you’re letting every putz you dated ruin what the two of you have.”
“It’s more complicated than that.”
“It’s really not.”
She just looked at me for several heartbeats before her face and voice softened.
“Life is too short to push away the people who love you, Keera.”
After dropping that bomb, she picked up her coat and walked out the door.
I know that Simon is the best thing that ever happened to me. My fear has always been that I’m not good for him. But I suppose I should have enough faith in him to make that decision.
Picking up my phone, I clicked on Simon’s name. I typed and deleted four different messages before settling on something simple.
Can we talk?
My stomach flippedwhen the three dots appeared almost immediately. I held my breath until I read his response.
The doorbell rang justas I was about to text him back to make a plan to get together. Tossing off my blanket, I walked over to the door and peeked through the window. My heart skipped a beat then did its best to pound out of my chest when I saw Simon standing there smiling at me.
I fumbled to unlock the door, then pulled it open with such force, it slammed against the wall. Acting on instinct, I wrapped my arms around Simon’s neck and slammed up against him.
“I missed you so much,” I whispered against his neck.
I caughtKeera and held her tight against me. It’s cold out, but there’s no way I’ll interrupt this moment just to get warm. If I had my way, I’d never let her go.
She pulled back just enough to give me a quick kiss.
“How did you get here so fast? Ijusttexted you.”
“I was sitting outside in my car when I got your text.”
“You were?” The corner of her mouth kicked up into an adorable smile. “Why?”
“Because I couldn’t stand not being with you for another second.”
Loosening her hold on my neck, she put some space between our bodies allowing the cold air in.
“Let’s get inside,” she said as she backed up.
I stepped inside, thankful for the warmth, and she closed the door behind me. Taking my hand, she led me to the couch and we settled in next to each other. She reclined against the armrest and draped her legs over my thighs. I shifted to look her in the eye.
“Keera, I love you, and as long as you love me, I think we can work through anything.”
“I do love you–”
Call me paranoid, but I was afraid those words were going to be followed by something I don’t want to hear, so I interrupted.
“If there’s abutcoming after that, I’m seriously gonna cry.”
She laughed at my words and reached out to stroke my cheek.
“Before you rudely interrupted me, I was going to say, I do love youandI agree. Wecanwork through anything.”