Page 23 of Thick Girls Pole
When I asked where we’re going, he told me it’s a surprise, so I’m trying to accept that answer and not bug him about it. I crossed my legs and settled into the seat as we merged onto the Scranton-Carbondale Highway.
“So how were your classes today?” he asked.
“Good. Both were totally full which is great for the studio, but it made for a busy day. Thankfully I didn’t plan anything too difficult because I had to demonstrate the moves multiple times for the two groups in each class.”
“It seems like things are really doing well there. The open house was packed.”
“Yeah, the place was full the entire time. And the first beginner series we planned was
totally booked that day so we planned another and that’s full now too.”
“As much as I miss working with you, I’m so happy you’re doing what you love.”
“Getting laid off was definitely a blessing in disguise.” I looked over at him. “Even
though I was freaking out at the time.”
“They were crazy to let you go.”
He flicked on his blinker and moved into the middle lane to turn left. I looked up and spotted the Circle Drive-In sign.
“We’re going to the drive in?” I asked, bouncing in my seat.
“We are.”
As he made the turn, I took a second to read the sign.
“TheRocky Horror Picture Show?” He nodded. “That’s one of my favorites.”
He looked over at me and smiled, then pulled up to the ticket booth to pay before making our way to the large parking lot. After he backed into a spot and turned off the engine, we stepped out of the car.
“I haven’t been here in years,” I said.
“Me neither, but when I saw what was playing, I thought it would make a great second date. Thankfully the weather cooperated.”
“It’s a perfect night for this.”
I followed as he walked around to the back of his Subaru Outback and opened the hatch. A foam mattress covered the back and there were multiple blankets and pillows on top.
“I figured we’d be more comfortable back here.”
“This is exactly what my family used to do when I was a kid in our station wagon. Of course, my brother and I had to wear pajamas, so now I feel a littleoverdressed.”
“Shannon and I used to wear our pajamas too.”
He crawled into the car, grabbed a blanket, and spread it over the foam then placed two big pillows against the back seat. They were the kind with arms that you can recline against.
“My brother and I had pillows like that when we were younger,” I said. “They’re probably still somewhere at my mom’s house.”
“These are mine and Shannon’s from when we were kids. They’re really comfortable,” he said. “Do you want popcorn?”
I scrunched my nose.
“I’m kind of full from that ginormous burger I had at Joyce’s, but coming to the drive-in and not getting popcorn seems like a crime.”
“I totally agree.” He held out his hand. “Come on, let’s go get some.”
I’ve seentheRocky Horror Picture Showmultiple times in a variety of theatres, but never at the drive-in. It was so much fun. People got out of their cars to sing and dance and a few even ran through the aisles of cars throwing various props. By the time the movie was over, the pavement of the parking lot was littered with rice, confetti, and toilet paper.