Page 31 of Thick Girls Pole
Once everyone else left, Anjannette pulled out her notebook and we went through the schedule for the beginners’ classes.
“Do you think we should keep the martini spin?” she asked.
“I think everything we have planned is perfect.” I reached over and closed her notebook. “Stop obsessing.”
“I just want it to go well.”
“I do too,” I said. “And I think what we have planned is solid. The good thing is that we can alter the plan if necessary. We’ll just have to wait and see the skill level of the attendees and take it from there.”
“Don’t sit there and be the voice of reason when I’m trying to panic,” she said with a chuckle.
“Hey, someone has to do it.”
“And don’t think our Simon conversation is over.”
“I’m not sure why. There’s not much more to discuss. I like Simon. He’s easy to be with and surprisingly, after knowing him for a decade, I’m suddenly attracted to him.” I thought about that for a second, then added, “It’s not that I thought he wasunattractive. I always told him what a catch he is. I just never considered catching him myself.”
“That’s because your hands were always full with the idiots you were dating at the time.”
“So do you plan on breaking your dry spell soon?”
“Honestly, I’m notplanninganything with this relationship. For the first time, I’m just kind of going with the flow and seeing where we end up.”
“This house is amazing,” Keera said as we finished a quick tour. “You grew up here?”
“Yeah, we moved in when Shannon and I were four.”
“I would have killed to have a basement like that when I was younger.” She leaned against the island. “And the pool. I would have had friends over all the time.”
“It was definitely a great place to grow up.” I opened the refrigerator and pulled out two brown bags. “Okay, we have a chicken flatbread or tacos.”
“First of all, I love the fact that you subscribe to Hello Fresh!,” she said. “And second, the answer is always tacos.”
I put one of the bags back and closed the door.
“Tacos it is.”
I opened the bag and set the ingredients on the counter.
“What can I do?”
“Just have a seat so you can watch and marvel at my culinary skills.”
I flashed a cheeky smile and held up the recipe card.
She settled onto a stool at the island and rested her elbows on the granite countertop.
“I’m ready to be impressed.” She looked at the ingredients. “What’s first?”
I’ve made these before so I have an idea, but glanced at the recipe card anyway.
“Slice and cook the onion.”
I pulled a cutting board out of the cupboard and grabbed a knife from the block and got to work.