Page 7 of Thick Girls Pole
“Positive. This one’s all yours.”
Anjannette clapped her hands together.
“Can I have your attention?”
Eventually everyone stopped talking and shifted their attention to Anjannette. I looked around while she thanked everyone for coming and explained what we have planned for the day. The room is pretty much an even split between current and potential students right now. I’m excited to see who comes through the door in the next few hours.
“Okay, we have ten poles,” Anjannette said. “Who wants to learn the short dance I put together?”
Surprisingly, seven women immediately stepped up and three current students took the remaining poles. We didn’t have to encourage or twist arms or beg. That’s a pretty good start to the day.
Anjannette stood at the instructor’s pole and demonstrated some basic moves. At first the new ladies were timid, but once she had them doing a fireman spin down to the floor, most got into it.
After perfecting the moves, and running through the routine a couple times, Anjannette said, “You all look awesome. Let’s put it to music. Anyone have a song request?”
Surprisingly, someone did.
I walked over to the iPad and found “I Feel Like I’m Drowning” by Two Feet on the playlist. The women stood ready at their poles and when the first strains of the song filled the studio, they started the routine by walking around their poles. I couldn’t help but notice their moves were much more poised than when they started. And not just confident, sexy.
They did a step around then a pirouette that settled into a backbend with their right leg popped in the air. The other attendees clapped, cat-called, and cheered, and one even gave an impressive whistle.
After straightening, each executed a perfect fireman spin then slowly slid down to the floor. Keeping their head and shoulders down, they lifted their butts to “booty up” then did a hair flip as they straightened. With right hands high on the pole, they crossed the left ankle over right to end the dance.
“That was amazing,” Anjannette yelled over the applause of the other attendees.
“You ladies were perfect,” I said as I lowered the music.
The women who’d just danced were beaming as they looked more confident and self-assured than when they walked in. This is what I love about pole dance. It’s so empowering and it makes people happy.
I absorbed the energy vibrating through the room as I greeted new arrivals. Making my way over to the information table, I checked to see if Sophie and Eve needed help.
“I was just going to flag you down,” Sophie said. “The beginner’s bootcamp is full, but I’ve started a waitlist. Do you have any idea when you’re scheduling another so I can let people know?”
“No.” I glanced over my shoulder at Anjannette as she approached and relayed Sophie’s words. “Since this is the first time we’re offering it, we figured we’d see how it went and then decide if we’re going to do another.”
“I’d say it’s going well,” Eve said with a chuckle.
“Take contact information from anyone else who’s interested and tell them we’ll reach out and let them know our plans for another beginner series within the week,” Anjannette said.
Both Sophie and Eve nodded then turned their attention to a group of women who approached the table.
“This is all so amazing.” Anjannette looked around the room. “I thought people would just stop in for a few minutes, but it doesn’t seem like anyone is leaving,” she said, looking over at the doorway as some more people shuffled in. “Isn’t that your friend Simon?”
I shifted my eyes toward where she was pointing and saw Simon talking to a beautiful woman over near the doorway. She stood a couple inches taller than him and her thick brown hair fell across her flawless skin as she bent her head to say something to him.
“Who’s that woman he’s with?”
“His girlfriend, I guess.”
I hadn’t heard that he was dating anyone, but it’s been a while since I’ve spoken to him, or anyone from my previous job for that matter. We went to happy hour regularly when I was first let go, but those became more sporadic as time went on. It’s been a few months since we last went out.
The woman said something to him and he shook his head then looked over and caught me watching. Smiling, he raised his hand in an awkward wave.
“With the way he’s looking at you, the way he’salwayslooked at you, I feel bad for that woman if she is his girlfriend.”
I waved back.
“You’re insane.”