Page 9 of Thick Girls Pole
“I’m so glad you did.” Keera glanced around the full room. “It’s so good seeing you. I wish I had more time to get caught up, but it’s so crazy here. Not that I’m complaining. I was afraid we’d be sitting here in an empty room.”
“That would never happen. You’ve worked so hard here, it’s bound to be successful.”
“This is a labor of love. Sometimes I still can’t believe it’s what I do for a living.”
“It’s not the same at the office without you, but I’m happy for you.”
“I do miss the people at Wilder. Especially you.” She glanced at the clock on the far wall.
“Can you guys stick around? We’re doing routines on the hour and I’m leading the next one. But I’d love to chat some more.”
Shannon and I talked about this last night. When I planned on coming today, I figured we’d hang out for a while, but my sister said I needed to get in, ask my question, and get out. Hopefully with future plans in place with Keera.
“No, we have to go,” I said. “We just wanted to stop in, check out the studio, and say hi.”
“We’ll all have to get together,” Keera said. “It really has been too long.”
My sister cleared her throat next to me and I shifted my eyes in her direction.
“I’m going to go get some water.” she said. “It was so nice to meet you, Keera.”
“You too.”
Shannon gave me a thumb’s up as she walked across the room. Thankfully she was behind Keera’s back so there was no chance of her seeing.
“Actually, I was wondering if you’re free Wednesday night.”
I’d initially planned on asking her out for Friday or Saturday, you know, typical date nights. But Shannon talked me out of it. She said Wednesday is less threatening for a first date. Plus, if things go well, there’s the option to have a second date on the weekend.
“Are you planning a happy hour?”
“Not really.” I looked down at the floor and rubbed the back of my neck. “I mean no,” I said as I met her gaze again. “I was wondering if you’d like to go out to dinner. With me,” I added, just in case my intentions weren’t clear.
“Oh.” Her eyes widened. “Oh.”
I fought the urge to say anything more. Shannon told me to just ask the question and wait for her answer. But this is torture. After what seemed like hours but was probably less than ten seconds, she spoke.
“Can I let you know?” she asked. “I want to check with Granny Vi. Now that I’m living with her, sometimes she makes plans for us without telling me.”
“Yeah, sure.”
Anjannette approached before I could say anything else. We’ve been in each other’s company a few times through the years so no introductions were necessary. Once the pleasantries were out of the way, she looked at Keera.
“Sorry to interrupt, but it’s time for the next routine.”
“Hopefully we’ll have willing volunteers like last time,” she said then turned her attention back to me. “I’ll let you know. If not later today, then definitely tomorrow.”
That’s not the response I’d been hoping for, but it’s better than a no. So at least there’s hope.
Anjannette floppedonto the couch and I sat in the chair across from her.
“That was fucking amazing,” she said.
“Yeah it was.”