Page 93 of Thick Girls Pole
“I’m gonna get a few pitchers of beer for the table,” Leo said. “Does anyone want something different?”
“Grab some water too,” I said. “I’m really thirsty and have been chugging too much beer.”
All my pole peeps were okay with beer and Archer said he’d have water. Simon and Leo walked toward the bar just as the house music stopped. The crowd cheered as the band started to play the beginning strains of “Cover of the Rolling Stone” by Dr. Hook. The song is a fan favorite because every member of the band sings a part.
I was enjoying the music when I saw Archer do a double-take then frown.
He leaned down and said to Andrew, “What’sshedoing here?”
Following his gaze across the room, I spotted some of my beginner series ladies walking toward us, including Zoe. As she, Sacha, and Jill approached, I pasted a smile on my face and reminded myself that this is no big deal.
I followedLeo through the crowd, holding two pitchers of beer in one hand and a stack of glasses in the other. As we approached the table and set everything down, I noticed Archer looking more aggravated than usual. Then I saw why. I glanced at Keera and cringed at her fake smile. I’m guessing she wasn’t expecting Zoe to come tonight.
Either way, it’s really not a big deal. They’ve been in each other’s company for weeks now without an issue. Yes Zoe is an ex, but now she’s just a friend. Sort of.
Leo filled a bunch of glasses with beer and Anjannette handed them out. When he was done, Leo grabbed one for himself and sat next to my dad. At the bar he told me he wanted to talk to him. How they’re going to have a good conversation in here when it’s so loud, I have no idea.
I filled a couple glasses with water then turned and handed one to Keera.
“Here you go,” I said as I handed her the glass then gave the other one to Archer.
“Thank you.” She took a sip, then gestured toward the women.
“Simon, this is Sacha and Jill. And you already know Zoe.”
I barely heard her over the music and figured they wouldn’t hear me either, but I nodded and said hello anyway.
The band played one awesome song after the other and the whole crowd was totally into the show, including our not-so-little group. Archer even seemed to be enjoying himself, which is surprising because loud music and crowds aren’t his thing.
“We’re gonna slow things down for a minute and I’ll take a break while Marty takes the mic,” Gus said.
Keera’s dad stepped up to the front of the stage as Gus walked off to the side.
“Those of you who’ve been following us for years have heard this before, so bear with me while I fill everyone else in.” He looked down at his guitar as he tuned it then back at the crowd. “More years ago than I care to admit, this was my senior prom song. I was lucky enough to be dating the most beautiful girl in the school at the time and she agreed to be my date. Five years later, we played this same song at our wedding for our first dance as husband and wife. Thirty-six years later it’s still my favorite song and she’s still my favorite girl.” He looked over at Keera’s mom and held up his pick. “This one’s for you, El.”
I stepped up behind Keera and wrapped my arms around her waist. She leaned against me with her hands over mine and we swayed to the music as we listened to her father sing “Just Between You and Me” by April Wine.
As the song ended, I turned Keera in the circle of my arms and gave her a kiss.
“We don’t have a song,” I said. “I think we need to get one.”
She smiled.
“It’s not that easy, you know. You can’t just pick one randomly. It needs to be an organic thing.”
“We’ll have to work on it.”
As the band sped things up again, I decided it was time to hit the bathroom. I’ve been holding it for at least four songs, figuring they’d finish playing soon, but since that didn’t happen, I’m going to have to brave the crowd.
“I’m gonna head to the bathroom,” I said against Keera’s ear.
She nodded and I turned around and meandered through people until I found the men’s room. As I closed the door, I appreciated the lower decibel level inside. I’m really enjoying myself, but we’re standing right near the speakers and it’sloud.
The bathroom is closer to the bar and I decided to get a Coke before heading back to the group. I texted Keera and asked if she or anyone else wanted anything. When she texted back saying everyone was good, I headed out and crashed into Zoe.
“I’m sorry,” she said.