Page 95 of Thick Girls Pole
I turnedfrom side to side, looking at myself in the mirror from every angle and don’t like what I see.
“What’s that face for?” Anjannette asked.
“What was I thinking with this outfit?”
She looked at my reflection.
“Why? It looks great.”
When I first saw these pole shorts, I fell in love with them. The high waisted booty short seemed like the perfect style to cover my stomach and show off my butt. I have to admit the halter top with its mesh insert makes the girls look amazing, but there’s a roll of fat right under the band on my back.
“I must have gained weight since I tried these on.”
“That’s not true, but even if you did, that was just three weeks ago. How much could you have gained?”
“You’d be surprised. Weight sticks to me like I’m Velcro.” I turned around and looked at my back. “Seriously, look at that.”
She walked over and adjusted my top.
“It was sitting in a weird place. What do you think now?”
I scrunched my nose.
“It’s a little better, but I’m still not loving it.” I reached for my duffel bag. “Maybe I have a tank top I can wear.”
“You arenotcovering up,” she said. “You look amazing.”
“I look huge.”
“No you don’t.” She put her hands on her hips. “What’s this about?”
I shook my head and fussed with my pole shorts, trying to get them to cover more.
“I can’t let Simon see me in this.”
“Keera, the man has seen you naked.”
“That’s probably better than this. At least every roll isn’t highlighted by dark material.”
“Well I’m sorry, this show has a strict PG-13 rating. I can’t let you go out there naked.”
I know she’s trying to make me laugh, but I’m just not feeling it. Instead I offered a small smile.
After scrutinizing myself in the mirror again, I reached for my silky robe and shrugged as I slipped it over my shoulders.
“I guess it is what it is at this point.”
“Hey, perk up. You’re the opening act and you’re going to kill it.” She put her arm around my shoulders and squeezed. “Come on. It’s standing room only out there and it’s almost time to get started.”
We walked out of our small office and into the dressing room where our students were scrambling to get ready.
“Can I have a minute?” Anjannette yelled over the nervous din in the room. “You ladies have all worked so hard getting ready for tonight and I know you’re going to be amazing out there. So relax and enjoy this moment. You’re badass bitches and I love you all.”
Everyone laughed at that last comment then looked at me.
“Everyone in that studio is here to cheer you on and celebrate your accomplishments. Just go out there and have fun. You’ve earned it.”