Page 5 of Gluttony
“Road trip—to where?” Gino asked.
“I have a cabin in the Catskills that no one knows about, and we can hide out there for a bit. But first, we’ll have to lose the men my father just put on our asses. You want to take a drive?”
“I don’t have anything packed,” Gino admitted. “We’ve only got the clothes on our backs.”
“Well, that works for me, since I plan on having you naked by the time we walk through my front door. Besides, I have clothes and everything we’ll need, already up at my cabin.” Bruno always was a say-it-like-it-was kind of guy, and Gino had to admit, hearing him say how much he wanted him turned him on.
They drove for almost five hours before reaching the cabin out in the middle of nowhere. The Catskills were beautiful, and Gino couldn’t believe that they were still in the same state. Things were so different out here from the city.
“I can see why you love it out here,” Gino said. They had ridden in near silence since leaving the city. It was as though the closer they got to the cabin; the quieter Bruno became.
“I do,” Bruno admitted. “It’s the place that I come to just to think. It’s my quiet place, you know?”
“Well, that explains why you’ve been so quiet the whole ride,” Gino said. Bruno pulled into a gated community and drove to the back, pulling off on what Gino believed to be a dead-end road. “You do live off the beaten path.”
“Yeah, I like the gated community aspect, but I needed more privacy. I got the developer to sell me the last lot in this development and he agreed not to pave a road back to my place. To the naked eye, no one would ever suspect that this gravel path is actually a driveway. All the other houses are so perfectly stacked next to each other, no one would guess that there is another home back here.”
“Smart,” Gino said. “And no one knows about this place?” he asked.
“Nope, it’s my little secret,” Bruno said.
“Thank you for sharing your secret with me,” Gino whispered as Bruno pulled into one of the bays of the three-car garage. He seemed nervous and Gino hated that his partner felt that way about spending some alone time with him.
Bruno gut the engine and Gino pulled his hand into his own. “It’s just me, babe,” he reminded.
“I know,” Bruno whispered. “I guess that the drive out here gave me some time to think and I’m worried that we’re making a mistake. What happens if this ruins our working relationship?” he asked.
“I don’t give a fuck about our work relationship,” Gino admitted.
“Okay, what if this ruins our friendship?” Bruno corrected. “I mean, I consider you one of my best friends, man,” he said.
“That is what’s going to make this thing between the two of us work out, Bruno. We were friends first. You’re my best friend and that will only make our bond stronger.” Gino was pretty sure that their bond couldn’t ever be broken, but things did tend to get messy when sex and feelings got involved. He was worried about that happening too, but he’d never let that stop him from taking his chance with Bruno. He wanted that more than anything now that he’d let himself admit that he had feelings for his partner.
“Do you still want to do this?” Gino asked, praying that Bruno would tell him that he did.
“I haven’t changed my mind,” Bruno admitted. “I just want to make sure that we talk this out. I don’t want to wake up tomorrow and worry about what comes next.”
“How about we live for tonight and worry about what comes next in the morning?” Gino asked. “It’s natural to feel that way, but I don’t want those feelings getting in the way of our moving forward—together. I want you, Bruno, and I have for a long time now.” He more than just wanted him. Gino had fallen in love with his partner a long time ago, but there was no way that he’d admit that to him right out of the gate.
“I feel the same way about you, babe,” Bruno admitted. He hoped like hell that Bruno could read his mind and was thinking about being in love with him, but that was silly, right? “How about I show you around the place and we can have a drink or two to unwind from the drive?” Bruno asked.
“I’d like that,” Gino said. They both got out of the vehicle and Gino followed Bruno into the house. The place was massive and so like Bruno. It was masculine and had the cabin feel that Gino had expected, but it felt homey and cozy too.
“This place is great,” he breathed as Bruno gave him the tour downstairs. “Aren’t you going to show me around upstairs too?” Gino asked.
“After our drink,” Bruno said. He nervously poured them each a double whiskey, neat, and then drank down his like a shot.
“Are you sure that you’re okay?” Gino asked. He did the same with his drink, wanting to keep up with Bruno and trying to ignore the burn from the alcohol.
“I am,” Bruno admitted. “I guess that I’m a bit more nervous than I planned on being. I just don’t want to screw this up.”
“I’m not sure that you could,” Gino admitted. “Whatever happens will be perfect because we’re together.” He took the bottle and poured them both another drink. Bruno drank is down and Gino did the same. If they kept going this way, they both be too drunk to do what he wanted to do next.
“Show me around upstairs,” Gino ordered. Bruno put down his glass and took Gino’s hand into his.
“Come on,” Bruno growled. Gino could tell from the bulge in his pants that he was already excited about what was going to come next. Hell, he felt the same way. Gino had been sporting a semi all the way up to the cabin from the city. He spent most of his days hard and needy when it came to being around Bruno and denying his feelings for him.
Bruno practically tugged him up the stairs with him and by the time they reached the bedroom. Gino found himself panting for air. “This is my bedroom,” Bruno said. Gino looked over at the massive bed and smiled back at Bruno.