Page 43 of The German Mother
‘It looks wonderful on you,’ said Franziska. ‘My mother also had a wonderful tiara made of emeralds and diamonds. That was my favourite – but sadly…it didn’t survive.’
‘Look, Franziska…I’m so grateful, but I really couldn’t borrow it. What if I lost it? I’d never forgive myself.’
‘You won’t lose it. Wear it and enjoy it and give it back to me after the wedding.’
‘But it must be worth a fortune. And I know how short of money you are…why don’t you sell it?’
‘A lady never sells her jewels,’ replied the countess grandly, ‘particularly if they are inherited. They are capital assets, not to be frittered away on everyday things like food and fuel. My father sold too much of the family treasures – and far too cheaply. This tiara is all that’s left. I’ll never part with it.’
‘Well, if you’re absolutely sure, Franziska, I’d love to borrow it.’
‘I just hope it hooks you a rich husband.’
‘I don’t need a husband.’
‘Don’t be absurd – of course you need a husband.’ The countess reached across and patted Minki’s stomach.
‘What do you mean?’
‘Oh, darling, don’t be so naive. You’re obviously pregnant – I can tell.’
Minki sank down on the edge of the bed. She removed the tiara and laid it on the dressing table. ‘Pregnant…’ she muttered quietly. ‘Maybe you’re right. I haven’t had a period for…’ Her eyes filled with tears. ‘Oh God…what am I going to do?’
‘Do you know who the father might be?’
Minki shrugged. ‘Possibly. It’s one of two people.’
‘Might one of them marry you?’
Minki shook her head. ‘It’s unlikely. One lives in America…and besides, he’s engaged to someone else. The other…’ She paused, wondering what Joseph Goebbels would make of this news. He had told her he adored her, but she knew that he too loved someone else.
‘If marriage is impossible, you have only one option. You must get rid of it.’
‘An abortion you mean. But how?’
The countess shrugged. ‘There are ways and means. I know someone who can help.’
Minki gasped. ‘Oh, I couldn’t…I mean, it’s a sin.’
‘So the little Catholic girl is still in there, is she? I thought you didn’t believe all that nonsense any more.’
Minki stood up, studying her profile in the cheval mirror. She could see it now – a small bump projecting beyond her hipbones. ‘You don’t think I could just be a bit fat?’
‘No, my darling, you are pregnant! Now listen. I have the name of a doctor here in Munich. I suggest you go and see him straight away.’
Minki made an appointment that afternoon. As she lay on the examination table, answering the doctor’s intimate questions, she tried to work out which of her two lovers might be the father. It had been three months since she had slept with Peter and less than two since her last night with Joseph.
After the examination, the doctor disappeared into the next room and she heard him washing his hands. She climbed off the bed and rearranged her clothes. When the doctor came back into the room, she was already sitting anxiously in his visitor’s chair. He resumed his seat behind his desk.
‘I’d say you’re approximately ten to twelve weeks pregnant, although it’s hard to be exact. Could be more, could be less, but certainly no more than fourteen.’
Minki, now sitting opposite him, felt her head spinning. ‘So I am definitely pregnant then?’
‘My dear girl…of course you are. The question is, what do you want to do about it?’
Tears came into Minki’s eyes. ‘I don’t know…’
‘Well, you have three options. You’re unmarried, I presume?’