Page 56 of The German Mother
‘Not after you’re married, surely?’
Minki’s irritation bubbled to the surface, and she was about to reply when Max hurriedly interjected. ‘Gunther, as I explained, Minki will do as she pleases after we’re married. I’m sure she can manage to be a wonderful wife alongside her career.’
‘Well, that’s as maybe,’ replied Gunther, ‘but I hope I’ll be able to see my grandchildren from time to time – you’ll make time for that, I imagine, Minki.’
‘Grandchildren! We’re not even married yet, Papa.’
‘Of course, Gunther,’ said Max, hurriedly. ‘As soon as we have children, you’ll be the first to meet them.’
As the couple drove away later that afternoon, Minki breathed a sigh of relief. ‘Well, thank God that’s over.’
‘Oh, it wasn’t so bad,’ said Max. ‘I rather liked your father.’
‘Did you?’ muttered Minki, staring gloomily out of the car window.
‘What’s the matter, darling? You seem rather sad…’ Max reached across and squeezed her hand.
‘I’m sorry. It’s just that my father makes me feel worthless somehow. That meeting today was the nicest he’s ever been to me. Perhaps because I’ve finally done what he always wanted – become an appendage to a man. I was his appendage, of course, for the first eighteen years of my life, and now, as far as he’s concerned, I belong to you. But for the years in between, it’s as if I didn’t exist. My career, my apartment, my independence have all counted for nothing. He’s never told me he was proud of me – not once. Clearly I should just have married years ago, then he might have loved me more.’
‘Well, I love you and am very proud of you, darling,’ said Max, kissing her hand. ‘And I will never think of you as a mere appendage – I promise you that.’
Max had booked them into a smart hotel in Munich for the night before returning to Berlin. Minki persuaded him they should take the opportunity to drop in on Leila and Viktor, and rang her to make the arrangements. The next morning they drove to the Labowksis’ apartment. Standing on the doorstep, Minki gripped Max’s arm.
‘Now you must be nice, Max. Leila is my oldest and dearest friend. You promise, don’t you?’
‘Of course,’ he replied. ‘Why would I be anything else?’
The door opened, and there was Viktor, smiling broadly. ‘Minki, my dear, how wonderful to see you. And this must be the new friend I’ve heard so much about – it’s Max, isn’t it? Welcome, both of you.’
The pair were ushered up to the apartment, to find Leila doing a jigsaw with her children in the sitting room. ‘Minki,’ she exclaimed, leaping to her feet. ‘What a wonderful treat. Are you sure you can only stay for lunch? Couldn’t we persuade you to spend the night and go back tomorrow?’
‘Oh, no, Leila – it’s a flying visit, I’m afraid. Max has to be back in Berlin this evening. We came down to see my father. Max wanted to ask him something.’ She smiled shyly.
‘You’re getting married,’ said Leila, grabbing Minki’s left hand. ‘Oh, what a beautiful ring. Congratulations, both of you. Oh, Minki, I’m so happy for you.’ She turned to Max. ‘You must promise me to look after her, won’t you? She’s very precious.’
‘Of course I’ll look after her,’ he said, cradling Minki’s shoulder. ‘And I agree – she is very precious indeed.’
‘So, when is the wedding?’ asked Leila.
‘Oh, I don’t know,’ replied Minki. ‘We’ve not really discussed it.’
‘Soon,’ said Max. ‘Why wait?’
‘Why wait indeed,’ said Leila happily. ‘Well, Minki, as I’ve only got you for a short time, let’s go and have a private chat while we make lunch. I’m sure the men can amuse themselves.’
‘Absolutely,’ said Max. ‘I imagine Viktor and I have a lot to discuss – you’re in publishing, I understand, Viktor? You must show me a couple of your latest books.’
The two men settled down together and Leila pulled Minki into the kitchen. ‘Max seems very nice,’ she said when they were alone.
‘He’s marvellous,’ replied Minki sincerely. ‘I’ve been lucky to find him.’
‘Are you hoping to start a family soon?’
‘Yes, I suppose so. Max is keen.’
‘Was he understanding about…the miscarriage?’
Minki glared at Leila and closed the kitchen door tight shut. ‘I’ve not told him about that,’ she whispered. ‘And you’re not to say anything.’