Page 2 of The Billionaire's Game
Slowly moving along, she decided to head back towards the back of the casino floor to the modernized slot machines. She knew that the casino still had a section of old-fashioned slot machines, but she needed to move through the modern section to get to them, and this was on the way to one of the cashiers. She needed to pull out some money to play.
The floor got louder the farther she moved through the casino. She could hear people happily screaming in the background and wished she could share their joy. Walking faster, she veered directly to the cashier’s office and withdrew all of the money she and Spencer had saved up for this trip, which was a lot. She had been living on a very strict budget for the past year and a half, and no matter the circumstances, it felt good to be able to let loose and have a little freedom.
Sitting down at a random slot machine, she put in a twenty and started to play.
“Excuse me, Miss. Would you like a drink?” a waitress walked up to her and took out a pad to write down her order.
“Oh, yes, I would. A dirty martini with three olives, please,” she said. The woman smiled and whisked away to fill all of her orders. After about twelve minutes, she heard a commotion from behind and turned around. A man was sitting at one of the old slot machines with a group of people and an employee of the casino.
“Let me show you the way,” the casino employee said to the group. She was intrigued by the special attention they were receiving. They didn’t look like anyone famous, but you never know.
“Here’s your drink, Ma’am,” the waitress handed her drink.
“Can you charge my drink to room 228?” Jessica asked.
“Of course, ma’am.”
“Oh, hey. By any chance, would you know where that group is going?” she asked, pointing at the group heading outside the casino’s back door. “Is it someplace secret?” The thought was kind of intriguing.
The woman chuckled. “It isn’t a secret. They are going to play poker in the Room of Stars. There isn’t a poker room directly on the casino floor. That is why they are being taken outside. “
“Is it a special event, or can anyone play?” she asked.
“Anyone who can afford to pay the buy-in price for the evening can play. Just talk to the man at the door,” the waitress told her, then moved on to take other orders.
This poker game instantly fascinated her. Even though there wasn’t much of a special event, she felt like it somehow was because not everyone knew that there was a poker game going on outside, and she wanted to see if she could be a part of it. Taking her drink, she followed the direction that the rest of the group went. The warm night air hit her the moment she walked outside. She stopped short for a second and took in the air. It smelled different, cleaner than from back home. After a few seconds of taking in the air, she looked up and noticed the same casino employee from earlier, standing in front of a door to a room with no ceiling.
“Welcome to the Room of the Stars, Miss. Would you be playing tonight?” he asked her when she stopped in front of him.
“How much is the buy-in?”
“The initial buy-in is $200 tonight.”
Jessica took the amount out of her clutch and handed it to the doorman.
“Thank you,” he said after taking it and adding it to a wad of bills he pulled out of his pocket. “Right this way,” he said. Jessica followed him and had no idea what she was getting herself into.
Matt noticed Jessica the moment the doorman let her into the room. He was hoping he would see her tonight. He just didn’t expect it to be so early and in the Room of Stars for that matter. She was the most beautiful creature he had seen in such a long time that she almost broke his concentration.Keep your poker face on. She has no idea that you know who she is, he said to himself.He didn’t want to blow his cover.The game he was playing was almost over. It was just between him and two other players. Terrance was deciding if he was going to check or fold. It was taking him a long time to decide what he wanted to do, and this gave him a moment to check Jessica out more since he had never seen her in person.
She was about 5’8, long and slender, with a little curve in her hips and thighs. She had long black hair, and he would have to observe her when she got a few inches closer. Right now, he needed to finish this game.
“I fold,” Terrance yelled as he threw his cards down on the table and his chair flew behind him.
Thomas rolled his eyes. “How about some manners, man?” he yelled in Terrance’s receding direction. “Okay, moment of truth,” he laid down his cards on the table. “Straight. Read ‘em and weep.”
“Full house,” Matt laid his cards calmly on the table.
“Damn it!” Thomas yelled. “Every single time.”
“Sorry, man. Business is business,” Matt chuckled. Everyone got up from the table, except for Matt. He continued collecting and counting his chips. He had already made a small fortune tonight, but he couldn’t quit now. His adrenaline was kicking in, just as much as his luck.
“Is there going to be another game?” a sweet voice asked him.
He looked up, and the raven-haired woman was standing on the other side of the empty table.
“Oh, yeah. They’ll be back. They will want a chance to win back their money,” he said. “Sit down.”