Page 9 of The Billionaire's Game
“I’m afraid the casino doesn’t play when it comes to their money. They give you 24 hours to pay back the debt, or they will throw you in jail until you serve time or find another way to pay. This is a town of billionaires. As you should know from your uncle when it comes to money, they will get it by any means necessary, except their ‘necessary’ is debtor’s prison, which I heard is not somewhere an American wants to go. You know how the French feel about Americans.”
Matt’s words hit her hard, and tears started falling down her face before she could stop them. She was screwed. There was nothing she could do because she had nowhere to turn. Her parents were going to be furious. They were already against so many decisions she had made in her life recently that this would just be the icing on her cake. She could just hear her father’s voice now, ‘What were you thinking, young lady?! Didn’t we raise you better than that? Now, you are going to have to face the consequences of your decisions’.Therefore, calling them wasn’t an option. Not only was she going to have to explain why she ran from the hall, but then she was going to have to grovel and tell them about her current situation. All they were going to do was humiliate her and then make her face the consequences. Her parents were big perpetrators of tough love. She was going to have to make a decision by tomorrow. For now, she was going to drink the rest of the night away, at least she could forget her worries for one more night. Forgetting that she was halfway-naked, she got out of bed and walked to the mini bar. Throwing it open, she grabbed the rest of the alcohol bottles that were left from earlier and dropped them on the bed.
Matt raised an eyebrow when he saw what she was doing. “Do you really think that’s wise?” he asked her.
“Why do I have to worry? The room and all of the amenities are being paid for by the Garcias. Let Spencer’s family pay for me to have a little fun. After all, it was their son who left me alone at the altar.”
Matt shook his head. “I can’t really complain about your logic, but I think all you need is a good night’s rest, and you can think about this with a clear head in the morning. Maybe you will come up with some different ideas then,” he said – hoping it would bring her some reassurance.
“What do you think I’m doing?” she asked him. “These will help me sleep tonight. They will help me forget about all the worries that I will have to face tomorrow, so don’t rain on my parade, okay?” She could see that he didn’t like that. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I know this is not how you want to be spending the rest of your night.”
He sighed before he spoke. “We all need things to get us out of our minds or to numb the pain sometimes. I hope that I was that for you this evening, and, as I said earlier, maybe I can be that for you tomorrow when I show you around the island. Hell, if all the amenities are paid for, we should just order room service in the morning on behalf of the Garcias,” he said with a laugh.
Jessica frowned. She really shouldn’t be taking advantage of the Garcias. Even though they didn’t want her to be with their son, they had never done anything wrong to her personally. It was only their son who had hurt her when he left her at the altar. They were probably glad they had dodged the bullet that was her life right now. The thought alone made her heart hurt even more.
“Wait, I hope you don’t think I’m actually serious. I was just teasing,” he said. “I would never take advantage of their hospitality, especially given that I don’t even know them. I can take care of myself, and breakfast will be my treat,” he said.
“Thank you for being so understanding. Where did you come from? I’ve never met a man as understanding as you are before. Most men that I know could care less about anybody else but themselves. Case in point, my ex-fiancé, who hasn’t even attempted to call to check up on me. He should give me a chance not to answer his phone calls. I mean, if he truly loved me, he would want to make sure that I was okay at least. I guess that’s just being too hopeful, right? Oh God, listen to me. Don’t I sound pathetic? Matt, I totally give you permission to leave this suite and go back to your own. You don’t have to sit here and listen to me bitch about another man and how he has hurt me. I would never expect you to. I know if I was in your position, I don’t think I could sit here, watch you drink, and babble on about your ex. I’m sorry for putting you through this. You must think I’m awful,” she said.
“Jess, if I was that disinterested in what you had to say, I would have left already, and I wouldn’t have offered to take you out to breakfast tomorrow and go and see the sights. I think you’re being too hard on yourself. Don’t you have friends at home that you can be your full self around?” he asked her.
Jessica looked shocked. “I guess I never thought of it that way. Honestly, I don’t think that I have anyone at home that I have ever been as open with in my life. You are the very first person,” she had no idea, but the thought of that hit differently.
“I really hope that you figure things out,” he said with a smile as he bid her goodnight and left to back to his suite and sleep. “I will check in on you in the morning if you don’t mind,” he said as he shut the door firmly behind him.
Matt closed the door of Jess’ suite firmly behind him. The events of the night came rushing back to him. After all that he knew about Spencer’s Jessica, he had never thought in a million years that she would have opened up to him like that. Well, at least that fast, but he had to get out of that room. Her vulnerability was getting to him, and he knew that the next time he saw, Spencer he was going to clock him for making her feel like that. However, seeing her strutting to the mini-bar just in her bra and thong, ass jiggling, was driving him crazy. It made him remember how soft she felt underneath him. The feel of her pussy as he was rubbing it, and the sounds that were coming out of her mouth. All he wanted to do was fuck her hard, but that wasn’t in the cards for the night, so he had to save himself from the ache in his pants and go back to his suite and take care of it himself.
Pulling himself together, he walked back to the elevator and took it up to the ninth floor. The door of his suite opened up to a clean room—the maid must have been there. The bed was turned down for him. Ignoring all the special amenities the hotel provided him for his stay, he walked over to the bathroom and turned on the shower, turning the nozzle as hot as it went until he saw steam rising around him. He took that as an invitation and stripped down to his birthday suit.
He slid the door open to the shower and walked right under the water, letting it scorch his skin. He loved the way it burned all the way down. After he had been in the shower for a few moments, he started to clean all the smells of the casino off him, as well as the smell and taste of Jess. It didn’t matter because he would never be able to get that sweet smell and taste of her out of his mouth. She tasted like nothing he had ever experienced before. She tasted like hope, recklessness, and love. He tasted like everything he had ever dreamed of in a woman, and he finally knew how he could make things better for her. He finally knew how he could get what he wanted and help her out of her dilemma. It was killing two birds with one stone, but he knew that they would be great together. He just hoped she understood that too.
Not being able to get her off his mind, he pumped some conditioner on his hand and moved back under the water. Closing his eyes, he pictured her lying on the bed, staring up at him, his hands in between her legs while she was moaning in bliss. He grew harder than he had been a few moments ago, and he was hard then too. He took all of himself in his hand and started to stroke slowly. The conditioner reminded him of how soft and squishy she felt under his fingers, and he imagined this was the rhythm he would take when he first put himself inside of her. He would slowly thrust his full length inside her and then slowly pull it out, the same exact motion he was using with his fist. He would keep this up for a few moments and then go faster for a few seconds to get her wanting more, then he would recede his speed, doing this over and over again until he drove her crazy, and she screamed for him to go faster and harder, then he would give her everything that he had. He changed up his momentum in the shower. With his eyes closed, he imagined how her body responded to his motions and when he changed positions. He could feel himself on the brink of orgasm, and he slowed down a little bit. He didn’t want the dream to end. In his mind, he flipped Jess over on her back and took her doggy style. In this position, he could feel everything more, and he started pumping harder, his fist copying the motion that he was playing in his mind. This time he didn’t slow himself down when he came to the break of orgasm. He let it wash over him until he couldn’t stand it anymore and held onto the wall for support. He continued to stand in this current position until he felt like he could put all of his weight on his legs. Turning off the shower, he grabbed a towel and fell onto the bed without getting dressed. He hoped that he could find out if sex with Jess was as good as he imagined it because it was wonderful in his mind. Standing up, he grabbed a bottled water from the mini fridge and some strawberries from the rack of fruit that had been delivered to his room while he was gone. The strawberries tasted so ripe and sweet, and he licked his fingers to savor the last of the juices left on his fingers.
When he had his fill, he laid back down on the bed and picked up the phone. He knew exactly what he was going to do.
“Hotel de Paris, how may I help you?” the clerk at the front desk answered the phone. She sounded chipper even at two o’clock in the morning.
“Yes, can you transfer me to room 228, please?”
“Hold on one moment.” Matt stayed on the line and waited for the ring and then for Jess to answer it on the other end. He hoped she was still awake because she was going to want to hear what he was going to say to her.
* * *
What is that ringing noise?Jessica rolled over in bed. The room was pitch black; she had turned off all the lights after Matt had left the room. She wanted to match the color to the inside of her eyelids and had even closed all the curtains, which had blocked out all the stars that had continued to shine into her room, even when she had politely asked them not to. The ringing continued, and she knew that it wasn’t going to stop on its own. She was going to have to get up and find the source of the ringing.
Throwing her legs over the bed, she tried to make her way to the light switch without bumping into anything. “Ouch,” she yelled as she ran into the table, but at least she knew that the light was to the right of the door on the other side of the table. Turning the light on, she looked around for the source of the sound and realized that it was the hotel phone. Trudging back to the nightstand, she sat down on the bed. “This better be good,” she said. Who would be calling at this hour? No one knew where she was. She prayed it wasn’t her parents finally locating her. Maybe she should have taken the phone off the hook. It was too late now.
“Jess, it’s Matt. Did I wake you?” he asked.
Her heart started beating faster. He called to check up on her, and it wasn’t her parents. Those were two good things, but why was he calling so late? Hadn’t he just left the room about an hour ago?
“Yeah, I fell asleep a little bit after you left. Is everything okay?” she asked him. “Did you forget something important that you need?”
There was silence on the other end of the line.