Page 14 of Shielding Rosie
“That’s smart,” Rosie agrees. We’ve talked a little about what we’re doing after school is finished. She wants to play music but thinks it will be too hard to get a scholarship on her own since she’s missed a lot of opportunities to perform.
“We’ll see if it pays off. Could blow up in my face.” I shrug, and Mom and Rosie share a look. “What?”
“Nothing,” they both say in the same tone, and I start to laugh. “All right, maybe sitting together at the game was a bad idea.”
“Or the best one ever,” Rosie says and wiggles her eyebrows at Mom.
“Agreed.” Walter barks, and my mom sighs. “I guess this is my cue to leave. Walter is ready for dinner. We were in a rush to get to the game before the crowd, and I made him wait. Clearly, he’s over it.” Mom gives me another hug before turning and doing the same to Rosie. “You two have fun tonight.” She looks at Rosie and nods her head toward me. “Make sure he has some fun. He’s such an old man sometimes.”
“I’ll do my best,” she laughs, and they hug again before Mom leaves. “I really like her,” Rosie admits when we’re all alone.
“I think she really likes you too. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen her so happy. Mom’s always liked coming to my games, but since Dad died, it hasn’t been the same.” I turn to Rosie and wrap my arm around her waist. “Thank you.”
“For what?” She puts her hands on my chest as she looks in my eyes, and I see the corner of her lips turn up in a smile.
“Coming tonight and sitting with my mom. Watching me play. Being you.” I shrug as I bend down and brush my lips against hers. “Take your pick.”
We kiss, and this time it’s different. There’s more heat behind it, and when her lips part, I don’t hesitate to slide my tongue over hers. The softest moan leaves her mouth, and I swallow it like it’s the only medicine that can heal my soul.
“Wow,” she breathes when I pull back and look down at her.
“Yeah,” I agree, and I feel myself grinning. “Want to get out of here?”
“Immediately.” She wraps her arms around my neck, and I lift her off the ground.
Chapter Eleven
My lips still tingle from Tate’s kiss. It was both possessive and sweet, which is exactly like him. When Tate and Jack almost came to blows, I knew Tate could easily take him out. Jack is the same height but leaner, whereas Tate is a freaking tank. I understood their differences in theory, but then I saw Tate on the field.
It didn’t take him much effort to bring down anyone in his path. In fact, I think he held back on a few of the hits he made while only doing what needed to be done to bring the player down before he’d pivot to the next. He would stop one player from hitting the quarterback before suddenly taking another player down to protect the running back.
It all happened so quickly that in a matter of seconds he’d gotten to know how to respond to whatever was unfolding in front of him. There’s far more to football than I realized, and not only is Tate an athlete, he’s incredibly smart. It’s not easy to predict what someone might do, but he did it time and time again on the field. And he did all that while making it appear to be easy. He’s an unstoppable machine that no one could get past.
“So the party?” Tate asks, and I feel his fingers squeeze around mine. He’s still holding on to me as he drives.
“Sure,” I agree.
I don’t actually want to go to the party, but everyone is celebrating, and I’m not going to take that away from Tate. I’m sure he wants to join in. When he was on the field, everyone looked to him for direction. I know he’s the captain, but it was thrilling to see and hear him bark orders. Most of them, I couldn’t understand over the crowd, but his teammates got it. They moved according to whatever he directed and looked to him for guidance. I’m sure it would be in bad taste if he didn’t go.
What I really want is more kissing. Are there really makeout points people go to, or is that only in movies? I’d love to find one of those places where we could be alone.
I’ve been attracted to Tate from the start, but after seeing his brute force, I know he has aggression inside of him, and I’m extremely turned on. I’ve never experienced a level of excitement like this before, and it hums through my whole body.
“We don’t have to stay long.” He gives my hand a squeeze, and I know he’s being nice by saying that. It must show in some way that I don’t really want to go even though I thought I was hiding it well. I’ll have to try harder.
“I just want to be where you are,” I say, giving him an honest response.
“Do you have a curfew?”
“No.” I can’t recall my mother ever telling me to be home by a certain time. What I can recall is her telling me several times to make myself scarce.
“Not that I’m aware of. You?”