Page 108 of Until Now
“I didn’t.”
“Bullshit, Nick. You’ve held those rumors over my head since before we met. You want me to bethatperson. You want me to be that girl, so you have an excuse to run. But, I’m not her.” I step back when he moves towards me. “Is that why you helped me? Davina Villa offered you the chance to live the Villa lifestyle, get paid to do it, and who knows maybe she’d even put out.”
“It wasn’t like that, Nina.”
“But then, you got mad because Lee kissed me.”
“It’s hard not to when he was fucking you with his eyes twenty-four-seven.”
“So what! I wanted nothing to do with him.”
“Could’a fooled me.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? Oh mio dio. Nick, what did I ever do to make you think I wanted him?” But, he doesn’t answer. “I didn’t want him. I wanted you!” Tears make my eyes shine. “I shouldn’t even have to explain myself. We weren’t even together!”
“I know that.”
“Davvero?!” I spit the word at him. “Do you?”
“Could’a fooled me.” I throw his own words back at him. “Being with you was… Even when it was just pretend, it was special. I never felt that with John or Lee.” I wipe my eyes. “And then, the most unexpected thing happened…I actually started to fall for you.”
Tears brim his eyes.
“But, it was all just a mistake, right? You still thought I was her, the girl from the rumors. You just couldn’t let it go.”
“That’s not true.”
“Perché te ne sei andato?”
“Nina, I was scared,” he sighs. “I was scared of you, of us, and I was scared of what your mom would do to my family. Not just if I told you, but when she figured out what was going on. I couldn’t risk her doing something to any of you.”
“You didn’t have to worry about her.”
“Yes, I did. She had threatened my family, Nina. She threatened you! You can’t tell me you wouldn’t do the same. She had me investigated. She threatened Alex’s education and my dad’s livelihood… You. She threatened you. She would ruin you.”
“My dad would never allow it.”
“Your dad was pissed when he found out the truth. There was no way we came out of this unscathed. I did what I had to do to protect my family.”
You are part of his family.Tears well in my eyes thinking of the words my dad had said that day in his office. Looking into Nick’s eyes, I know they’re true.
“You didn’t even say goodbye. You just left in the middle of the night. Who does that? I don’t even know why I tried to come after you.”
“You did the same damn thing in Savannah!”
“Oh, vaffanculo, Nick.”
“Wait, what did you just say?”
“I said, fuck you.”
“No, before that.” I know what he means, but I don’t budge. “You came after me?”
I sigh, there’s no use trying to backpedal now. “I woke up and you were gone. No matter how mad I was, I couldn’t let you leave that way.”
“Why didn’t you tell me, Nina?”