Page 7 of Until Now
“That’s a scary thought…”
“I kind of wish Josh and I were going now. I can’t wait to see how this plays out.” I wish they were going too, it would alleviate some of my stress about this trip.
“Look, I appreciate you guys trying to help, but no. I’ll just go alone.”
Hushed whispers come from the front of the office. Is there someone here? Did Michaela forget to tell me about an appointment? Turning the corner, I see Michaela taking a large paper bag from a man with shaggy brown hair. Josh Davis — Michaela’s older brother and Elizabeth’s fiancé. Michaela regretted introducing us almost immediately. Josh became the older brother I had always hoped Kai would be and we clicked instantly. Introducing him to Elizabeth, I never imagined they would get together. Actually, they couldn’t stand each other when they first met — Josh thought Elizabeth was stuck-up and she thought he was a no-good troublemaker. Oil and water. Until her ex-boyfriend broke her heart in front of the entire Christmas Ball and Josh stepped in…but, that’s a story for another time.
Josh and Michaela aren’t alone, another man stands with his back to us. He stares at some of my older designs lining the wall. Before I can get a good look at him, Josh pulls me into a bone-crushing hug. “Short-stack! I was hoping you’d be here.”
“Hey Bub, what did Elizabeth make this time?”
“Some pies for an event Mom’s hosting tonight.”
“And she let you drop them off without sending me one?” I touch my heart, half-offended. “Tell her I’m rescinding my RSVP.”
“I think she’d hunt you down and drag you to Savannah anyway.”
We laugh because it’s true. They’re getting married in three months and I better be dead — not dying, just dead — if I don’t show up.
My laugh dies as soon as the other man turns around. “What are you doing here?”
“You know each other?” Michaela looks between us.
“He’s the guy who spilled coffee on me.”
“You’re coffee boy?”
“Coffee boy?” Josh asks.
“Nick ran into Nina two weeks ago and spilled coffee all over her.”
So, his name is Nick.
“Correction, she ran into me,” he interjects. I don’t miss the small smile that spreads across his full lips before fading into a smirk.
“Well, allow me to re-introduce you… Nina, this is Nick, our cousin, and apparently the guy who spilled coffee on you the other morning,” Josh finally introduces us.
“Are you ready to go?” Nick doesn’t try to hide his annoyance. “I need to get back to the shop. Pop has ‘em lined up.”
“You’re such a workaholic,” Michaela teases, earning an eye roll from her cousin.
“Make sure you take these to Mom right after work, if not I’ll never hear the end of it,” Josh instructs his sister walking towards the front door. Elizabeth would have both of their heads if Jenny didn’t get the pies on time. Now that I think about it, why wouldn’t Josh take the pies to their mom himself?
“Yeah, yeah. I know. Now go before he throws more coffee on my boss.” Nick glares at her before Josh ushers him outside.
“Is your cousin always so friendly?” I ask when they’re finally gone.
Michaela turns with an apologetic smile. “I am so sorry, I had no idea.”
I shrug. “Has he been here before? He looks very familiar.”
“I mean, you did meet at the coffee shop.” Always the smartass, Michaela glances into the brown paper bag ignoring my glare. That’s not what I meant. “He went to RU. Studied architecture for a while, maybe you had a class with him.”
Josh finally pulls onto Pearl Avenue and an idea forms. Maybe her idea wasn’t so bad after all — if it was the right person.
Chapter Five