Page 9 of Until Now
Jimmy hates that Nick let his degree at Rosecliffe slip through his fingers, but Michaela said Nick was content to work in the garage if it took the stress off his father’s shoulders. The younger Davis brother, Alex, is enrolled in the law program at Boston College. That’s why Jimmy works so much, to help his son pay tuition to avoid a lifetime repayment of loans.
Nick considers his next words and when he finally responds, his words are clipped, “Sorry, Princess, but I’m not your Prince Charming.”
Chapter Six
I shade myeyes stepping out of the plane, a faint bead of sweat forms on my hairline. Summer in the low country is not for the weary. I pull my bottom lip between my teeth containing a laugh when Nick practically jumps out of his skin. He hadn’t been expecting to see Andrew standing there. Andrew Collins — Villa family pilot for as long as I can remember, he’s more like an uncle than someone on payroll. I’ve always told him to call me just Nina, but he refuses. Mother would never allow it, but that doesn’t stop me from trying. Andrew hands the cabbie money for the fare and retrieves Nick’s bags from the trunk. “Please, Mr. Davis, it’s no trouble,” Andrew says when Nick tries to stop him. “Go ahead and get settled, we’ll be leaving shortly.” He hands the suitcase to Phillip by the luggage compartment. Phillip Gable — Villa family pilot in training for the last three years.
“Thanks, Andrew,” I say when he passes by me.
“He seems nice,” he smirks. What does that mean? Andrew winks before disappearing into the plane to finish preparing for departure.
“Do you ever dress like a normal person?” Nick asks climbing the stairs.
What is that supposed to mean? I am dressed like a normal person. Navy polka-dot skirt, cream satin tank top, booties… What’s wrong with that? When I look up, he’s there. Dressed in his normal jeans and a T-shirt. Mere inches from me. No sunglasses, his warm, whiskey-colored orbs stare back at me.
“Didn’t think you were coming.”
“I wasn’t.” The slightest smirk tugs on his lips.
Great, this is going to be…fun. Why did I think this was a good idea again?
“Andrew seems nice.”
“He said the same thing about you.”
Phillip bumps into Nick’s shoulder to enter the plane before politely excusing himself to move past me. Nick glares after the younger pilot before looking at me. What does he want me to do?
I turn into the plane, “Andrew?”
“Just waiting for clearance, Miss Villa. Once we get up, should be a pretty quick flight.” I’m almost back to my seat when I hear Andrew give Nick some advice, “Don’t worry too much. They’re actually very nice. Her mother, Brina, can be a little rough 'round the edges, but Nina can handle her. You’ll be fine as long as you keep your story straight.” Andrew closes the entry door before he closes the cockpit door leaving just me and Nick in the main cabin.
My attention remains on the email in front of me when he finally strolls inside, but I don’t miss the way he pauses briefly taking everything in. His eyes roam every inch of the plane, you’d think he’s never seen one before. Michaela did say his family rarely takes vacations, maybe he hasn’t ever been on a plane before. Well, here’s to hoping he doesn’t have a fear of flying we’re about to discover. The thought tugs at the corner of my lips just before I hit send and we’re racing down the runway.
So far, no new fears of flying have been unlocked. Peaking over my screen, I wait for any kind of reaction when the wheels lock in place…Nothing.
When we reach an appropriate altitude, Nick peels himself out of his chair and into the one across from me. I expect him to say something, but he remains silent. Without looking, I motion behind me to the kitchen. “You can have whatever you want. It’s all back there.”
“Seems like you have just about everything in here.”
“Mother wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Whatcha doin’ over there?”
“Do you want—”
“No.” I don’t even notice his hand reaching across the table until he has already closed my laptop. “What the hell?” A glare. “Look, you made it very clear you had no intentions of helping me, so I’m not sure why you’re here.“
“The money.”
A smile tugs at my lips. “Honest, I like it.”
“I like to keep it real.”
“Hopefully, not too real.”
“I promise not to expose you too early.”