Page 103 of Hero Unbound
“I suppose a text from you received at a strategic time would help sell our story.”
Through the pain, Eva was swamped with relief. At least the dogs would be safe. She would have to worry about herself later.
She couldn’t even think about Theo and what he would think of her through all this—not telling him the truth, then leaving town without a word except asking him to keep her dogs. He’d think her unstable at best. Completely selfish at worst.
Either way, he wouldn’t put any effort into finding and checking on her. And she couldn’t blame him for that.
Gareth grabbed a small bag by the door and got something out. “Let’s get things going. Time to get you retrained so you can learn to appreciate what you have. I will enjoy providing these lessons.”
His smile was slick, and she knew the lessons wouldn’t be pleasant for her in any way.
Something poked into her arm, and she looked over to see Gareth pulling a syringe out of her bicep. “Time to sleep, baby. I’ll take care of you.”
Then all she knew was blackness.
Theo rushed into Fancy Pants an hour after it opened for the day, hoping he would find Eva there. Or that there would be any word of her whereabouts.
From anybody.
He’d waited up all night at the big house for her to come home from the hospital. He’d gone back to get her after the shitshow at the sheriff’s office where Gareth had basically laughed in their faces when there was no evidence against him, but she’d already been released.
The thought of her driving herself while hurt, even though she’d been cleared by Dr. Annie, made him sick. What was even worse was that she had to have left the hospital thinking no one believed her.
That she was alone.
Lilah had let him know she had Sugar and Spice, but he’d still expected Eva to return to the big house. He’d waited to tell her that he believed her. That whether Gareth had pulled her down from that ladder or not was irrelevant.
Theo believed her.
Gareth was one smart son of a bitch, and he’d convinced everyone—including Eva—that the things he said were right and true.
That ended now. Eva needed to know that she had someone on her side one hundred percent to sort through all this. Theo was going to be that person for her. And the first thing he was going to convince her to do was call her family and let them know what she suspected.
Right or wrong, correct or incorrect, true or false…Eva had people on her side who would stand with her.
He just needed to find her so he could tell her that.
“What can I get for you, Theo?” Ella asked with her soft smile.
“You haven’t seen Eva, have you? She didn’t come back to the Linear property last night.”
“No. I’ve been worried about her.” She lowered her voice. “The gossip mill has been grinding nonstop about her since yesterday. About her fall and then her…accusations.”
She tilted her head discreetly toward the back corner. Theo turned and saw Gareth sitting there enjoying a cup of coffee as he glanced at his phone.
“I’m not sure what’s true and what’s false, but I’m willing to give Eva the benefit of the doubt,” Ella said. “Something about that guy rubs me the wrong way. He’s too charming, you know?”
Theo reached over and squeezed her hand. “You’re not the only one who feels that way. If you see Eva, please call me. I’m concerned about her.”
Ella nodded before turning to the next customer. Theo strode over to Gareth’s table.
When the other man saw him, he sat up straighter and put his phone away. “Look, I don’t want any trouble. I’m on my way out of your delightful little town.”
Sarcasm dripped from every word.
“Do you know where Eva is?”